Page 28 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 28

Adventure                                   What’s Cooking?

        By Elizabeth Whiting             Kitchenware to collect around the world

        Writer Elizabeth has           rom learning to prepare soft pillows of ricotta-filled ravioli, to creating a fragrant paella
        picked up cooking
        inspiration in her             brimming with fresh seafood, savoring the local flavors and discovering new cooking
        travels to 30 countries.  Ftechniques can be one of the most memorable parts of traveling. Just as every nation has
                                 a unique culinary landscape, its people have different secrets for creating their favorite dishes.
                                 Discover some our favorite kitchen utensils used by home chefs around the globe.

           Mezzaluna                                                      Cataplana
           Italy                                                          Portugal

           Mezzaluna, or “half moon,”                                     Like the Moroccan tagine,
           refers to the curved blade                                     the Portuguese cataplana
           on this popular Italian knife                                  refers to both an iconic
           with two wooden handles on                                     meat and seafood stew
           either end. An essential and versatile tool in Italian         and the vessel used to
           kitchens, its curved blade makes easy work of chopping herbs,   prepare it. During the eighth century, while Portugal was
           mincing garlic, and slicing pizza using a rocking motion from   under Moorish rule, fishermen used the clam-shaped pot
           side to side. Cook like the Italians and experience a taste of the   to transport ingredients and cook them over an open
           dolce vita when you whip up some fresh basil pesto or slice up a   fire. Today, the classic cataplana is made from hammered
           homemade margherita pizza with a mezzaluna.                    copper, with latches on either side of the dome to seal in
                                                                          moisture and help keep shellfish plump and tender.

           Tagine                                                         Cazuelas
           Morocco                                                        Spain

           Although tagine can be found                                   To achieve the diverse and
           throughout northern Africa,                                    delicious cuisine of Spain
                       n ic
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           it has become an iconic dish in                                in your home, you’ll need
              s b
           Moroccan cuisine, referring to                                 one of their most commonly used kitchen items—a
           both the meal and the vessel itself. These clay pots feature   cazuela. This versatile terracotta ramekin can be
           a cone-shaped lid with a handle for easy lifting. The tagine   used directly in the oven, on a gas burner, or a grill to
           is typically filled with meats and spices and cooked over      prepare anything from seafood to sweets at a steady
           high heat, trapping the steam inside the cone-shaped lid,      heat. They come in a variety of sizes, but always
           which results in tender meat that is slightly caramelized      shallow in depth to ensure the ingredients cook
           on the bottom. Believed to originate with the Berbers,         evenly and thoroughly. Use yours to prepare crema
           tagine evolved with the arrival of the Ottomans, Moors, and    catalana, a Spanish-style crème brûlée, or Latin
           colonialists, but the technique remains the same.              American-inspired stews.
             DISPATCHES • JUNE
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