Page 30 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 30
Exploring Sicily and
Field Notes
Traveling Through Time
For this writer, the time to travel is now
By Jann Segal,
17-time traveler from
Redondo Beach, CA
Right: Jann
likens Ragusa to
an impressionist
painting: beautiful
from a distance, but
filled with detailed
nuance when
explored up close.
Seductive Sicilia! ime travel. That is what Sicily was with Yet as we traveled back in time, I also thought
Part 2 O.A.T. on Sicily: Ancient Landscapes and about our present time and how long I’d been
TTimeless Traditions. For me, it had been traveling. It was a month-long trip, and I felt
exactly two years of no international travel it would be over all over too soon as we were
due to the pandemic, so this added to my sense nearing its completion. It was refreshing
of time. In Italy it would have felt like traveling however, to know that I still have the traveler
back in time anyway, but there were so many in me, the person for whom one month of
other reasons time played a factor during this
Created by Barbara trip because of the circumstances.
& Ernest Werren, 30-
time travelers from We traveled back into the ages that helped
Lakewood, CO shape who we are today. There can be no
better example of this than the enormous
Watch Video Roman Villa known as Villa Romana del Casale
constructed in the fourth century AD. With
the greatest number of mosaics in the world,
so many were well preserved, but the frescos
Far Right: Covered were less so. Nobody even knows who once
by a landslide for lived in the enormous villa. There are not even
nearly 800 years, other ancient sites or any writings that give
Villa Romana del clues. The room that stayed with me out of all
Casale boasts one of we saw, was the room for ladies to practice
the world’s richest their sports. A ladies’ gym in 400 AD! And we
collections of Roman thought we were so cool working out at Jane
mosaics. Fonda’s back in the 80s.
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