Page 25 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 25

Left: The Hypostyle
                                                                                                             Hall at Karnak
                                                                                                             Temple is comprised
                                                                                                             of 134 sandstone
                                                                                                             columns, with the
                                                                                                             central 12 soaring to
                                                                                                             69 feet in height.

          of them in the new museum—everything              It’s difficult to wrap your head around just how   The age of the
          from his jewels, chariots, throne, gold mask,     old—or how big—they are. When Christ was          Pyramids is
          and sarcophagus to everyday objects like          born, the Pyramids were already 2,000 years
          his walking sticks, loincloths, boomerangs,       old. That means Christ’s birth is closer in time   probably summed
          games, and even few of his healthy snacks         to us than it is to the building of the Pyramids.   up best by an
          like coriander seeds and juniper berries.         How can that be? Five centuries earlier, the      ancient Arabic
          And for the first time ever, the contents of      Greek historian Herodotus stopped by the          saying: “Man
          the boy-king’s tomb will be displayed in the      Pyramids for a visit—although the “father of
          precise order that the British archaeologist      history” got a few things wrong in his travel     fears time, but
          Howard Carter unearthed each priceless relic      journal. Writing about the hieroglyphics          time fears the
          in the Valley of the Kings exactly a century      adorning the massive structures at the time,      Pyramids.”
          ago.                                              he said they represented a tally of the garlic
                                                            and onions consumed by workers during their
                   The world’s first                        construction. Some say he was just pranked by    Tough Boats: Egypt

                  tourist attraction                        some local guides—and it wouldn’t surprise
                                                            me; I got taken in a few times on my own visit.

          Even if most of Egypt’s ancient tombs and         The age of the Pyramids is probably summed
          temples were still buried deep beneath the        up best by an ancient Arabic saying: “Man fears
          desert sands, the Pyramids of Giza are reason     time, but time fears the Pyramids.”
          enough to visit. They certainly have a proven     As far as big goes, the 481-foot-high Great
          track record. It’s not just that they’ve been     Pyramid of Khufu was the tallest man-made        Drift down the Nile
          attracting travelers for hundreds of years—       structure in the world for more than 3,000       with our host Holly
          plenty of countries can make the same boast       years. The streak finally ended with London’s    Morris aboard Egypt’s
          of a monument or two. The Pyramids have           Old St. Paul’s Cathedral in 1221 C.E.—which      most legendary
          amazed and mystified travelers for thousands      took 200 years to complete, and only beat the    boats.
          of years.                                         Pyramid by eight feet. Details remain sketchy,       Watch Video
                                                            but Khufu’s Pyramid was built by stacking

                                                                                                        DISPATCHES • JUNE 2022  25

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