Page 29 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 29

Cezve                                                           Opinel knife

             Turkey                                                          France
             With a long handle and                                          Since 1890, Opinel has
             prominent pouring                                               become a household name
             lip, a cezve is Turkey’s                                        throughout France for the
             own ingeniously                                                 classic wood-handled knife
             designed coffee pot.                                            w it h a fo l d i n g c a r b o n b l a d e .
                                                                             with a folding carbon blade.
             Often made from                                                 Joseph Opinel’s passion
             copper or brass, the cezve is small but                         for machines inspired him to create
             produces the perfect serving size for a                         the original Opinel knife—a simple
             singular coffee or a few small espresso                         idea that turned into a piece of French
             cups. Use the petit pot to boil your own                        heritage. Perfect for a picnic, tuck the
             Turkish coffee—a style of coffee made                           classic Opinel No8 into your bag before
             with powder-thin grounds left inside                            you stroll through the stalls of a French
             the cup when served. Maybe you also                             market, where you’ll find a variety of
             collect a set of demitasses, the small                          cured meats, baguettes, cheeses, and
             ceramic cups used for drinking Turkey’s                         fresh fruit.
             decadent coffee creation.

             Vegetable                                                        Mate gourd
             Cutters                                                          and bombilla
             Japan                                                            Argentina

             Japanese cuisine is known                                        In Argentina, mate isn’t just a drink—it’s an
             for attention to detail and                                      integral part of local culture. Made from
             celebration of seasonality—                                      earthy and bitter yerba mate leaves, the tea
             and these cute little cutters check both                         is prepared in a round gourd made from a
             boxes for home cooks and professional                            calabaza (squash), and sipped from a metal
             chefs alike. In springtime sakura (cherry                        straw called a bombilla. The drink is meant
             blossoms) might adorn a bento box,                               for sharing, and you’ll see locals everywhere
             while an autumnal stew might be                                  passing the gourd in a near-ritualistic fashion,
             topped with miniature maple leaves.                              with a number of customs to be followed. The
             Beyond vegetables, you can use these                             uninitiated may find mate bitter, but adding
             to cut anything from luncheon meats to                           sugar is often frowned upon. If you bring home
             cheese—which might work wonders on                               a mate set and prepare it yourself, however,
             the picky young eaters in your life!                             you can sweeten as much as you like.

                                                                                                        DISPATCHES • JUNE

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