Page 23 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 23
I It seems that Egypt is desperately scouring
was taken aback by a recent article in
USA Today about Egypt. “In recent years,”
the desert sands trying to unearth ancient
it said, “Egypt has heavily promoted new
archaeological finds to international media artifacts to give the world a reason to visit.
Because, apparently, there’s nothing else to
and diplomats in the hope of attracting more see. And unless they can dust off some more
[visitors] to the country.” mummies or dig up another royal tomb, the
thinking goes, why would people bother
About a year ago, the paper ran a similar
coming at all?
article about how “recent excavations are
yielding troves of ancient artifacts” which fit All I have to say is “Boys, stop digging.”
right in with Egypt’s plans of “wowing the And come to think of it, “You guys fanning
world with new discoveries.” The piece went yourselves on the lawn chairs can go home, too.”
on to describe a scene where “...workers dig
and ferry wheelbarrows laden with sand to open
a new shaft at a bustling archaeological site
outside of Cairo, while a handful of Egyptian
archaeologists supervise from garden chairs.”
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