Page 27 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 27
Sheesh, felucca on the Nile, you just have to go with
anything else? the flow and remind yourself that the most
memorable, transformative journeys are often
the ones that require the most effort.
Yes, Baksheesh. What we quaintly associate
with normal “tipping,” baksheesh is the jet fuel Advice to Egypt that Amidst his
of Egypt’s economy. Children in the street tug should be ignored explorations of
at your arm, “baksheesh, mister?” You hear it ancient treasures,
from taxi drivers, vendors, elevator operators, John found modern-
map sellers, and trinket hawkers. Someone The treasures that continue to be unearthed day Egyptians to
who rendered you no service whatsoever from deep beneath the Egyptian sands are be “wonderful,
will say, with a shocked expression, “hey, truly extraordinary. But let’s be honest—all hospitable people.”
where’s my baksheesh?” It is so ingrained in those people you think are holding off on
Egyptian culture you simply can’t avoid it. Egypt until the next boy-Pharaoh in a gold-
It doesn’t amount to much, but if you don’t filled tomb is discovered? Forget about them.
weigh yourself down with Egyptian change My guess is they were never planning to come Egypt: Abu Simbel
and small bills, you’re in trouble. And know anyway. And it’s their loss.
that whatever you give, it will not be enough,
so ignore the inevitable pleas for more. But Egypt is a once-in-lifetime travel destination
if someone does walk away looking pleased, that you will never forget. With dozens of
you gave way too much! It’s not a recent foreign lands under my belt, Egypt is the one
phenomenon either. When Mark Twain visited that resonates the most powerfully. But as
the pyramids in 1866, he reported that he much as I’d love to return, I know it may not Created by Rupert
suffered “torture that no pen can describe from happen. The world is a big place, and I haven’t Hitzig, 2-time traveler
the hungry appeals for baksheesh that gleamed seen it all yet. from Los Angeles, CA
from Arab eyes.” Nothing has changed. Then again, if those ancient Egyptians are
right, maybe I’ll get there in the afterlife. That Watch Video
But deep down, Egyptians are wonderful,
hospitable people, and their food is to die for reminds me, I better remember to bring along
(that isn’t a wink to its hygienic qualities, it plenty of small bills for the baksheesh.
really is delicious). Yes, it’s hot, dusty, and
chaotic, but it’s a beautiful chaos. Like a
Left: Drifting on
the Nile aboard a
traditional felucca
sailboat offers a
peaceful respite from
the “beautiful chaos”
of Egypt.
Experience Egypt’s
treasure trove of
antiquities during
Egypt & the Eternal
Nile by Private,
Classic River-Yacht.
Learn More
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