Page 62 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia

        Crossroads of the Adriatic: Croatia, Montenegro,

        Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Slovenia

        Croatia: Dubrovnik, Karanac, Zagreb, Plitvice Lakes, Opatija | Montenegro: Kotor | Bosnia & Herzegovina: Mostar,
        Sarajevo | Slovenia: Ljubljana, Lake Bled

        For departure dates, available single space, and pricing, visit

        18 days from $3695                                Journey to the countries of Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Slovenia—southeastern Europe’s
        including international airfare                   multicultural lands of forgotten beauty. Venture from the elegant walled city of Dubrovnik, Croatia and historic
        Single Supplement: FREE                           streetsof Sarajevo,Bosnia,to the splendor ofthe Plitvice Lakesand the towering peaksof Slovenia’s Julian
        Save a FULL 10%, up to $580, with our             Alps to discover one of the world’s great travel destinations. We’ll also spend ADay in the Life of the village
        Good Buy Plan—reserve by 11/15/22                 of Karanac in the Croatian countryside during an overnight stay at a family-owned farmstead—a feature
        Valid for Apr-Dec 2023 departures                 exclusive to O.A.T.

        WHATTOEXPECT                                   DAY  •Dubrovnik•Kotor,Montenegro               isactuallynamedaftertheformerwatchtower
                                                       Enjoyafull-dayexcursiontoMontenegro,stopping   keepers (mostari inBosnian)ofthishistoricbridge.
                                                       firstintheancientvillageofPerast,setalongthe   B,L,D —  Hotel Aziza or similar
        View all physical requirements at              BayofKotor.After,boardasmallboattoKotor,       DAY   • Sarajevo • Conversation about the                          amedievalwalledtownattheheadofsouthern         impact of the Bosnian War on Sarajevo
                                                       Europe’sdeepestnaturalbay.                     EmbarkonawalkingtourofSarajevo.Explore
        ITINERARY                                      B—Hotel Kompas Dubrovnik or similar            OldTown’s16th-centurymosque,theAustrian
                                                       DAY   • Dubrovnik • Controversial Topic: The   quarter,andthehistoricLatinBridge—where
        DAY  •DepartU.S.                               Balkan War & Dubrovnik                         anassassinationsparkedWorldWarI.Later,
        FlyovernightfromtheU.S.toDubrovnik,Croatia.    TakeadriveupMountSrdforpanoramicviewsof        joinalocalresidentfortheirperspectiveonthe

        DAY  •Dubrovnik,Croatia                        OldTownandtheAdriatic.Then,visittheCroatian    harrowingsiegethatSarajevoenduredinthe
        TransfertoyourDubrovnikhotel,andmeet           WarofIndependenceMuseumandspeakwitha           Serbian populations.
        travelersonouroptionalpre-tripextension        resident about this Controversial Topic.After,visit  B —  Hotel Aziza or similar
        to Albania: Undiscovered Balkans.              theruralKonavleregionforawinetasting,music
        D—Hotel Kompas Dubrovnik or similar            performance, and farmstead dinner.             DAY  •SarajevoTunnel• Home-
                                                       B,D—Hotel Kompas Dubrovnik or similar          Hosted Dinner
        DAY    •  Dubrovnik                                                                           Today,wefocusonSarajevo’smorerecentpast,
        Thismorning,we’lltakeacitybustothegates        DAY  •Sarajevo,Bosnia&                         includingtheaftermathofYugoslavia’sbreak-up
        ofOldTownDubrovnik,wherewe’llsetoffon          Herzegovina • Mostar                           in1992.We’llvisittheSarajevoTunnel,apassage
        awalkingtour.Thenyourafternoonisfreefor        EnroutetoSarajevo,thecapitalofBosnia&          dugin1993toferrypeopleoutandbringsupplies
        independent exploration.                       Herzegovina,stopinMostar,whose16th-century     intothecity.Tonight,sitdownfora Home-Hosted
        B,L—Hotel Kompas Dubrovnik or similar          bridgeisaUNESCOWorldHeritageSite.Mostar

        62     Crossroads of the Adriatic: Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Slovenia                                                             Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925                                                              63

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