Page 64 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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Fisherman’s Bastion,
        Budapest, Hungary

        JewelsofBohemia: Czech Republic, Slovakia & Hungary

        Czech Republic: Prague, Cesky Krumlov, Slavonice | Slovakia: Bratislava | Hungary: Budapest
        For departure dates, available single space, and pricing, visit

        15 days from $3395

        including international airfare                   Journey withO.A.T.into Eastern Europe’sBohemian heartland to discoverthe history,culture,and landscapes
        Single Supplement: FREE                           ofthe CzechRepublic,Slovakia,and Hungary. In the CzechRepublic, witnessthe spiresofPrague,the medieval
                                                          splendorofCesky Krumlov,and traditional ways oflife in the Renaissance village ofSlavonice.In Slovakia,
        Save a FULL 10%, up to $460, with our             discover the youthful optimism of Bratislava. Then, enjoy an audience with the “Queen of the Danube,” and
        Good Buy Plan—reserve by 11/15/22                 immerse yourself in the grandeur of Hungary’s iconic Budapest.
        Valid for Apr-Dec 2023 departures

        WHATTOEXPECT                                   asless-visitedsidestreetswhereauthenticCzech   DAY   • Cesky Krumlov • Rafting on Vltava
                                                       cultureisondisplay.                            River • Home-Hosted Dinner
                                                       B,L—K+KHotelCentralor similar                  Awalkingtourwillrevealthemedievalsplendor
        View all physical requirements at              DAY  •Prague •Conversation aboutthe            We’llalsoascendtothetopofthehilltoamble                          Velvet Revolution with a local eyewitness      throughthecourtyardsandgardensofCesky
                                                       OurdaybeginswithavisittoStrahovMonastery.      KrumlovCastle,andvisittheCastleMuseum.Then
        ITINERARY                                      Then,we’llmeetwithalocalprofessortodiscuss     (weatherpermitting),enjoyaraftingexcursion
                                                       theVelvetRevolutionandlearnwhatmodern-         along the Vltava River through the center of the
        DAY  •DepartU.S.                               dayCzechsthinkaboutthepost-Communist           city. Thisevening,we’lljoinlocalfamiliesfora
        DeparttheU.S.todayonyourovernightflightto      government and current administration. After   Home-Hosted Dinner of traditional dishes.
        Prague, Czech Republic.                        that,we’llexplore Mala Strana (Lesser Town),   B,D —  Hotel Ebersbach or similar

        DAY  •Prague,Czech Republic                    Prague’shistoricdistrictclusteredatthefoot of
        ArriveatyourhotelinPrague,whereyou’llmeet      Prague Castle.                                 DAY   • Vyssi Brod Monastery • Sudetenlands
        your Trip Experience Leader and fellow travelers,  B —  K+K Hotel Central or similar          conversation • Treetop hike at Lipno Lake
        includingthosewhotookthepre-tripextension      DAY   • CeskyKrumlov•Vojna Memorial            Webeginthedayspeakingwithalocalaboutthe
        to Berlin,Wittenberg,Dresden&theElbeRiver      OnourwaytoCeskyKrumlov,stoptovisitthe          Sudetenland crisis, which transformed Cesky
        Valley.Later,enjoyaWelcomeDinneratalocal       VojnaMemorial,anotoriousforcedlaborcampfor     KrumlovfromavibrantGermanoutpostintoa
        restaurant.                                    political prisoners of the Communist regime. Then,  ghosttownfollowingWorldWarII.Then,visit
        D—K+KHotelCentralor similar                                                                   VyssiBrodMonastery,aCistercianmonasterywith
                                                       enjoylunchinPisek,aBohemiantownonthe           medievalroots.Afterthat,visitLipnoLakefora
        DAY    •  Prague                               banksoftheOtavaRiver.                          “treetophike”alongalongwoodenwalkwayfor
        AguidedwalkingtourofPraguewillfocuson          B,L,D —  Hotel Ebersbach or similar            viewsofthesurroundingSumavacountryside.
        Hradcany,Prague’smedievalcastledistrict,aswell                                                B,L —  Hotel Ebersbach or similar

        64     Jewels of Bohemia: Czech Republic, Slovakia & Hungary

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