Page 65 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        Berlin, Wittenberg, Dresden &
                                                                                                        the Elbe River Valley
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $1695 Only $339 per night

        DAY  •Budvar Breweryin CeskeBudejovice         Archbishop’s Palace, and St. Martin’s Cathedral,
        • Trebon • Slavonice                           aGothiccoronationchurchwhereHungarian
        OnourwaytoSlavonicewe’llstopinCeske            Habsburgkingsandqueenswerecrowned.
        Budejovice to visit the Budweiser Budvar       Thisafternoon,youmayjoinanoptional
        Brewery.Then,intheancientwalledtownof          JewelsofSlovakiatourthatincludesatasting         Vienna: Palaces, Music, Architecture
        Trebon,we’llstrollthroughtheparksurrounding    atafamily-ownedwineryandatraditional             & Sachertorte
        its Renaissance-era chateau, and admire the    blueprinting workshop.
        pastel-coloredburghers’housesinthetown         B,L—AC Hotel by Marriott Bratislava Old Town or similar  POST-TRIP: 5 nights from $1595 Only $319 per night
        center.AfterarrivinginSlavonice,we’llvisita                                                     Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        ceramics workshop.                             DAY    • Roman ruins at Carnuntum •              visit
        B,L,D—HotelDomuRuzeor similar                  Budapest, Hungary
                                                       EnroutetoBudapest,visittheRomancityof            We recommend that you
        DAY  •Slavonice• A Day in the Life of a Czech  Carnuntum,whichbeganasaRomanarmycamp
        farming village                                alongtheDanubeinwhatisnowAustria.Crossing        Arrive Early, Stay Later
        WejourneyoutsideSlavonicetoexperienceour A     intoHungary,stopforlunchinGyor,anancientcity     Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
        DayintheLife ofaruralCzechfarmingvillage.      attheconfluenceoftheDanube,Rába,andRábca         of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
        We’llmeetwiththefarmowner(orafamily            rivers.We’llalsotakeastrolltoadmireGyor’s        depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
        member),helpoutwiththechores,andlearn          pedestrian-only historic core before continuing  include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
        abouteverydayfarminglifeduringlunchwithour     to Budapest.                                     private airport transfer.
        hosts.Ourdinnerthiseveningwillbeaccompanied     B,L,D —  Hotel President Budapest or similar    • Arrive early in Berlin on your Germany pre-trip
        by traditional Moravian music.                 DAY   • Budapest •Controversial Topic:             extension for $175 per person, per night
        B,L,D—HotelDomuRuzeor similar
                                                       Roma in Hungary • Danube River cruise            • Arrive early in Prague onyour maintrip for
        DAY   •Slavonice• Trebicand Lednice•           OurBudapestcitytourfeaturesthemedieval             $150 per person, per night
        Bratislava, Slovakia                           buildingsatBuda’sCastleHill,aUNESCOWorld         • Conclude your main trip with more time in
        OnourwaytoBratislava,we’llstoptovisitTrebic,   HeritageSite.We’llalsospeakwithalocal              Budapest for just $150 per person, per night
        anancientMoraviancitythatishometoone           Romani woman about the Controversial Topic of    • Spendmore timein Vienna at the end of your
        ofEurope’sbest-preservedJewishghettos—a        discrimination against the Roma in Hungary. This   Austria post-trip extension for $200 per person,
        UNESCOWorldHeritageSite.Then,we’llvisit        evening,enjoyaDanubeRivercruisetowitness           per night
        Lednice, whose landscaped surroundings have    Budapest’s monuments brilliantly illuminated.
        beendesignatedaUNESCOWorldHeritageSite.         B,L —  Hotel President Budapest or similar
        We’llalsoexploreLedniceCastleandwander         DAY     •  Budapest
        iron-framed greenhouse.                        TakeasubwayridetoParliamentSquare,home         DAY    • Return to U.S.
        B,L,D—AC Hotel by Marriott Bratislava Old Town or similar  tooneofEurope’soldestlegislativebodies,the  Transfertotheairportforyourreturnflighthome.
                                                       Hungarian Parliament Building. In the square,  Or,beginyourpost-tripextensionto Vienna:
        DAY   •Bratislava•ControversialTopic:          we’lllearnabouttheHungarianUprisingof1956.     Palaces,Music,Architecture&Sachertorte.
        Freedom of the Press in Slovakia • Optional    Thisevening,enjoyaFarewellDinneratalocal       B
        Jewels of Slovakia tour                        restaurant.
        AwalkingtourofBratislavawillfocusonOldTown,     B,D —  Hotel President Budapest or similar

        Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925                                                              65

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