Page 57 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
P. 57
Northern Portugal:
Porto & the Douro Valley
PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $1695 Only $339 per night
Northern Spain: Bilbao, San Sebastian
of conquistadores PizarroandCortés.Stopin There,exploretheMezquita,itseighth-century &Medieval Villages
Mérida,aUNESCOWorldHeritageSiteandhome mosqueandoneoftheworld’sgreatestIslamic POST-TRIP: 7 nights from $2495 Only $357 per night
tosomeofEurope’sbest-preservedRoman buildings.Then,continueontoÚbedafordinnerat
ruins,includinga6,000-seatRomantheaterand our parador. Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
amphitheater. B,D—Parador de Úbeda or similar visit
B,D — Parador de Carmona
DAY • A Day in the Life of a family-run
DAY •Carmona•OptionalSevilletour olive oil mill We recommend that you
ExploreCarmonaonyourown,orjoinanOptional Visitafamily-ownedoliveoilmillduringour ADay Arrive Early, Stay Later
TourtoSeville,theSpanishcityrenownedfor intheLife experience.We’lljoinalocalfamily Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
bullfighting,flamenco,andDonJuan.Duringthe forcoffeeandaconversationontheimportance of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
OptionalTour,we’lldiscoverSeville’swhitewashed ofolivesinthelocaleconomy.Afterwards,meet depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
homes, 2,000-year-old plazas, cobbled withtheownersoftheoliveoilmillandtourthe include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
neighborhoods,andthemassiveSevilleCathedral. olivefields.We’lllearnaboutolive-oilproduction private airport transfer.
B,D — Parador de Carmona duringavisittothemill,wherewe’llsamplesome
extravirginoliveoil.Then,sitdownandenjoya • Arrive early in Porto on your Northern Portugal
DAY •Ronda •Controversial Topic: traditional meal with the family. pre-trip extension for $150 per person per night
Bullfighting B,L—Parador de Úbeda or similar • Arrive early in Lisbon on your main trip for
JourneytoRonda,admiringviewsofAndalusia’s $150 per person per night
“whitevillages.”StopatLaCobatilla,abull DAY • Toledo • Conclude your main trip with more time in
ranch,andtourthegroundsbeforeenjoying DepartÚbedaforToledo,stoppingenroute Toledo for $150 per person per night
lunchontheproperty.Then,we’lljointheranch toPuertoLapice.InToledo,alocalguidewill
ownerforaconversationabouta Controversial takeyouonatourofthecity,showingyou • Spendmoretime in Oviedo at the end of your
Topic: bullfighting in Spain. Bullfighting is a ancient synagogues, churches, mosques, and Northern Spain post-trip extension for $125 per
tradition, but the country’s younger generation impressive palaces. person per night
views it as animal cruelty. B—Sercotel Alfonso VI or similar
B,L — Parador de Ronda
DAY • Toledo • Madrid • Flamenco lovelyparks.Thisevening,gatherforaFarewell
DAY •RondaOld Town demonstration Dinnerandtoasttothisadventure.
ExploreRonda’swalledOldTown,andwanderthe ExploreMadrid,includingavisittothePrado B,D—Sercotel Alfonso VI or similar
labyrinthofmedievalstreets,flankedbyMoorish MuseumforaglimpseintoSpain’sartistichistory.
homes.We’llalsoenjoyviewsofthecanyonfrom After a flamenco demonstration, your afternoon is DAY •Return toU.S.
atopthePuenteNuevoBridge. on your own in Toledo. Afterbreakfast,wedepartfortheairportforour
B,L — Parador de Ronda B,L—Sercotel Alfonso VI or similar returnflightshome,orcontinueyourSpaintravel
DAY •Córdoba•Journeyto Úbeda DAY •Toledoor Madrid to NorthernSpain:Bilbao,SanSebastian&
JourneytoÚbeda,andenroute,visitCórdoba. Enjoyafreedaytoexploreonyourown,eitherin Medieval Villages.
OnceanIslamiccapitalinthetenthcentury,it ToledoorinMadrid,acityfilledwithmuseumsand B
Information & Reservations 1-800-955-1925 57
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