Page 63 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        Albania: Undiscovered Balkans
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $995 Only $199 per night

                                                                                                        Serbia: Novi Sad & Belgrade
        Dinner withfamilieswholivedalong“SniperAlley”  ofKumrovec,anopen-airmuseumfocusingon            POST-TRIP: 5 nights from $1295 Only $259 per night
        duringthewar.                                  traditionalwaysoflifeacenturyago.                Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        B,D —  Hotel Aziza or similar                  B,L—BestWestern AstoriaHotelor similar           visit
        DAY   • Karanac, Croatia • Dinner with         DAY    •Opatija•Plitvice Lakes
        local families                                 ExplorePlitviceLakes,hometo16turquoiselakes      We recommend that you
        JourneyoverlandtoCroatia’sprovinceofBaranja,   linkedbywaterfallsandcascades.Afterawalking      Arrive Early, Stay Later
        animportantpartofCroatia’s“breadbasket.”       touralongthewoodenfootbridgesthere,we
        Then,inKaranac,joinalocalfamilyfordinnerin     continuetotheseasideresorttownofOpatija,set      Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
        their home and spend the night at the farmstead.  alongtheAdriaticcoast.                        of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
        B,L,D —  Rural Farmstead Sklepic               B,L,D —  Hotel Agava or similar                  depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
                                                                                                        include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
        DAY    • A Day in the Life of Karanac vil-     DAY   •Opatija•Optional Hill Towns of            private airport transfer.
        lage • Zagreb                                  Istria tour                                      • Arrive early in Tirana on your Albania pre-trip
        Beforebreakfast,we’llexperience ADayinthe      TodayisatleisureinOpatija,oryoumayjoinour          extension for $125 per person, per night
        Life ofthevillagewhenwehelpoutourhosts         optional Hill Towns of Istria tour, which includes a  • Arrive early in Dubrovnik for your main trip
        aroundthefarm.Then,we’llmeetalocalpottery      visittoMotovun,atypicalIstrianlunch,andavisit      for $125 per person, per night
        master,takeavillagestroll,andhavelunchatthe    tothemedievaltownofHum.
        farmstead.Later,wejourneyoverlandtoZagreb.     B —  Hotel Agava or similar                      • Conclude your main trip with more time
        B,L,D—Best Western Astoria Hotel or similar                                                       in Ljubljana for just $175 per person, per night
                                                       DAY    • Ljubljana, Slovenia • Postojna Caves
        DAY     •  Zagreb                              OnourwaytoLjubljana,we’llstopforavisit           •Remain in Belgrade after your Serbia post-trip
                                                                                                          extension for $150 per person, per night
        SetoffonawalkingtourofDonjiGrad,orLower        toPostojnaCave,anundergroundlabyrinth
        Town,hometomanyofZagreb’smonuments.            ineasternSlovenia.Afterlunch,we’llarrive at
        Then,takeafunicularridetoviewthemedieval       Slovenia’scharmingcapitalofLjubljana.Awalking  afarewelldrinkandaFarewellDinneratalocal
        monumentsinGornjiGrad,orUpperTown.             tourwillhighlightthequaintbridgesandnarrow     restaurant.
        We’llalsovisittheopen-airstallsofDolac         streetsofthecity’scafé-linedOldTown.           B,D —  uHotel Ljubljana or similar
        Market,followedbyafreeafternoontoexplore       B,L —  uHotel Ljubljana or similar
        independently.                                 DAY    • Ljubljana • Lake Bled                 DAY    •Return toU.S.
        B—Best Western Astoria Hotel or similar
                                                       Enjoyafull-dayexcursiontoLakeBled(weather      Afterbreakfast,departtotheairportforyourflight
        DAY    • Zagreb • Croatian countryside         dependent),foraboatrideby pletna to the island  home.Or,beginyourpost-tripextensionto Serbia:
        ExplorethequaintvillagesofZagorje.Ourfirst     church, and lunch.
        stopisKlanjec,birthplaceoflegendaryCroatian    B,L —  uHotel Ljubljana or similar             B
        sculptorAntunAugustincic.Afterseeinghisworks   DAY    • Ljubljana • Ljubljanica River cruise

 62  Crossroads of the Adriatic: Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Slovenia  Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925  63

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