Page 18 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 18

Outlook on                                     Working Toward                                                                                                                  The Darkness
                                          a FGM-Free Community                                                                                                                              by Ragnar Jónasson

                                              How one Maasai activist is giving

                                                         girls the power to choose

        By Lucy Sepeko
                                                                                   In 2013 I went to college, and graduated
        Lucy is an FGM                                                             in 2015 with a diploma in community
        survivor and activist in                                                   health assistance. I started my journey by
        Amboseli, Kenya.                                                           volunteering in a nearby health facility,

        Right: Inspired by                                                         Amboseli Dispensary.
        survivors like Lucy,                                                       I went directly into Maasai communities to
        girls in Amboseli                                                          discuss issues dealing with FGM. At first,
        Village and other                                                          the communities received the information
        Maasai communities                                                         in a negative way. No family wished to be
        are rejecting FGM in                                                       associated with a girl who had not undergone
        increasingly large                                                         FGM, for fear of being shunned. Maasai men
        numbers.                                                                   rejected girls who were uncut, believing the
                                          y name is Lucy Sepeko Swakei, and        practice keeps women chaste before marriage.
        Becoming Masaai                   I’m a resident of Amboseli Village,     I never gave up the fight. I started going to
        Women                    MKajiado South, Kenya. I grew up in
                                 a family of six siblings, two males and four     schools, talking to girls directly. I told them
                                 females (myself included), raised up by a        the importance of knowing their rights and the
                                 single mother.                                   harmful side-effects of FGM. I went back again
                                                                                  to the communities, talking with old mamas,
                                 Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a practice    village elders, and chiefs about the negative
                                 rampant in some communities of Kenya,            effects of FGM, and I went around into churches
        See how one Maasai       especially within the Maasai community—          and youth meetings. I talked to people about
        community has come       despite the fact that FGM has been illegal       other major health issues, too, such as the
        together to end the      in Kenya since 2011. In our community, it is     importance of immunizations, prenatal care,
        practice of female       believed that in order for a girl to become a    family planning, and the prevention of HIV and
        circumcision.            real woman, she must undergo FGM. So girls       other sexually transmitted infections. For all
                                 grew up knowing that they would have to          of this, I was able to connect people with the
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                                 undergo FGM as a way of being initiated into     health facility.
                                 womanhood. It was never presented as a choice.   Dealing with the community and changing

        Learn firsthand          I didn’t know my rights by the time I went       their mindset about FGM is not easy, but with
        about the                through the initiation. There was no one to tell   the help of the government, things are now
        Controversial Topic      us about the harmful effects of FGM then, so     getting better. Yes, some members of the
        of female genital        my younger sister and I went through the cut     community are still performing FGM in secrecy,
        mutilation during        in 2004. What I went through was very painful,   even though it’s illegal in Kenya. But for now,
        New! Kenya &             and I didn’t want any other girl to go through   I’m finally happy because the community has
        Tanzania Safari:         what I experienced. But because I was so young,   begun to respond positively to the information
        Masai Mara to the        I felt there was nothing I could do. I promised   I have shared with them—and most girls, with
        Serengeti.               myself that one day, in time, I would help girls   the support of their families, are refusing to
                                 from my community to choose not to have this     undergo FGM.
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             DISPATCHES • JUNE

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