Page 14 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 14

Rachel Perry is a
        staff writer and O.A.T.
        associate since 2019.

        Right: Tyrol Castle,
        the ancestral seat of    Nicknamed the “sunny side of the Alps”,             mass of corals and shells under the ocean.
        the Counts of Tyrol,     South Tyrol is bathed in 300 days of                They emerged about 70 million years ago
        stands 2,000 feet        sunshine each year. You’ll want to savor            and now tally more than 2,000 distinct
        above the valley         its sun-soaked villages slowly as you hear          peaks.
        floor.                   the clang of cowbells from nearby pastures          Whether you’re looking for an adrenaline
                                 and see medieval castles nestled into
                                 mountainsides.                                      rush or a moment of peace, you’ll find it
                                                                                     amongst these mountains. It’s one of the
                                 It’s known formally as Alto Adige, but              largest ski areas in the world with 750 miles
                                 most residents prefer its original German           of slopes—which will be on full display
                                 name of Südtirol, or South Tyrol—which              during the 2026 winter Olympics in the
                                 complements North Tyrol of Austria. One             town of Cortina. Locals and visitors from
                                 of five autonomous provinces in Italy, the          around the world also enjoy cross-country
                                 region boasts one of Italy’s highest qualities      skiing and snow shoeing during the winter.
                                 of life. From the active lifestyle it offers        Hiking, rock climbing, and biking are
                                 to its farm-to-table foods, it’s easy to see        popular in the summer.
                                 why. Yet, South Tyrol is not without its own
                                 controversial history.                              Tucked in between the summits are
                                                                                     wellness resorts fed by curative natural hot
        "Whether you’re          Adventure abounds                                   springs. These mineral-rich waters, along
        looking for an           A central feature of South Tyrol are                with the pure mountain air, are the perfect
                                                                                     place to unplug. The quaint mountain
        adrenaline rush          the dominating Dolomite Mountains.                  villages aren’t so bad either. Here you
        or a moment of           Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage               can discover artisans keeping traditional
                                 Site in 2009, the Dolomites define a whole
        peace, you’ll find       different type of Alpine beauty. While the          handicrafts alive such as wood and leather

        it amongst these         pinnacles tower nearly two miles above sea          working and basket weaving, or browse
                                                                                     markets overflowing with cured meats and
        mountains."              level, they were born beneath it: 250 million       cheeses.
                                 years ago the Dolomites were a sprawling

        14   DISPATCHES • WINTER 2022

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