Page 11 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 11
All Fun and Games In the Know
By Rachel Perry
Rachel is an O.A.T.
staff writer, and most
or players and spectators alike, sports are passionate expressions of national identity. recently adventured
Whether the contest is a test of strategy, strength, or both, watching a game that’s been through Iceland to see
Fplayed for generations undoubtedly gives us a glimpse into the culture of a community. the Northern Lights.
From the obscure to the ancient, step up to bat and see if you can score the correct answer to these
questions about sports around the world.
Known as “the fastest game During Scotland’s Highland
on grass,” the popular sport Games, caber toss competitors
of hurling has a history longer carry and throw a large tapered
than that of Ireland itself, and log into the air, aiming to heave
is said to have been played as it end-over-end. Those who can
far back as 1200 BCE. Using a pitch the pole in one full rotation,
flat-ended wooden stick, how so it lands perfectly straight, are
fast can elite players fling a ball crowned as the victor. What’s the
downfield? term for a winning toss?
a) 60 miles per hour c) 100 miles per hour a) all around c) true north
b) 80 miles per hour d) 120 miles per hour b) 12:00 d) 360
In the horseback game of pato, Increasingly popular in New
national sport of Argentina, Zealand, the traditional Maori
teams fight ferociously to throw game of kī-o-rahi is played
a leather ball through hoops with two teams of seven on
with an intensity that has led to a circular field. Players use a
deadly fights and the trampling small round ball and battle
of players underfoot. In the early days, the to score points by touching
game wasn’t just dangerous for humans. boundary markers and hitting targets. With
What was originally used instead of a ball? what sport does it share similarities?
a) a duck c) a chicken a) croquet c) rugby
b) a goat d) a rabbit b) dodgeball d) jai alai
Pesäpallo is the Finnish Similar to hockey, the northern
counterpart to America’s favorite European sport of bandy is
pastime. While it shares many played on an ice rink the size
similarities with baseball, one of a soccer field, with a rubber
of the biggest differences makes ball instead of a puck, and with
the ball much easier to hit and nets twice the size of those in
control, resulting in much more hockey. The two sports do share
strategic and action-packed gameplay. What’s a common ancestry, with hockey evolving
the difference? in Canada and bandy developing where?
a) the ball is larger c) the bat is wide and flat a) England c) Sweden
b) the ball is pitched vertically d) the ball is soft b) Ireland d) Finland
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