Page 122 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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Guanaco, Torres del Paine, Chile

        Chile&Argentina: The Andes to Patagonia

        Argentina: Buenos Aires, Bariloche, El Calafate | Chile: Puerto Varas, Chiloé Island, Punta Arenas, Torres del Paine National Park

        For departure dates, available single space, and pricing, visit

        18 days from $5195

        including international airfare                   The storied lands of Patagonia include jutting mountains, steep cliffs, winding waterways, towering volcanoes,
                                                          and majestic glaciers.We’ll travel acrossthe windswept steppeswhere gauchosroam, discoverthe many
        Single Supplement: FREE                           wonders of Los Glaciares, spend two nights in a lodge in Torres del Paine National Park, and experience
        Save a FULL 10%, up to $630, with our             the culture ofof ChiloéIsland.And we’ll begin and end our adventure in Argentina’slively capital,BuenosAires,
        Good Buy Plan—reserve by 11/15/22                 where we’ll delve into this colorful city’s history and witness the passion of the tango.
        Valid for Apr-Dec 2023 departures

        WHATTOEXPECT                                   thecolorfulLaBocaartists’district.Next,discuss  amemberofBariloche’sGermancommunityto
                                                       the Controversial Topic of the tens of thousands  discuss a Controversial Topic:thecity’shistoryas
                                                       ofpeoplewhowerekidnapped,tortured,orkilled     aNazirefugeafterWorldWarII.
                                                       duringtheDirtyWar—theinfamouscampaign          B,L,D—CaciqueInacayalHotelor similar
        View all physical requirements at              wagedfrom1976to1983byArgentina’smilitary                          dictatorship.Later,putonyourdancingshoes fora  DAY  •Bariloche• ControversialTopic:
                                                       tango lesson.                                  Mapuchenativerights • OptionalLimay
        ITINERARY                                      B,D—Argenta Tower Hotel or similar             River float • Horseback ride & family dinner
                                                                                                      on the Patagonian steppe
        DAY  •DepartU.S.                               DAY    •  Bariloche                            Discusstheongoing Controversial Topic of
        FlytoArgentinaonanovernightflight.             FlytoBariloche.Setalongthebanksofthe           MapuchenativerightsinArgentinawithalocal
        DAY  •Buenos Aires, Argentina                  40-mile-longLakeNahuelHuapi,Barilocheis        activist.Then,joinouroptionalraftexcursion
        ArriveinArgentina’scapital,andmeetyourTrip     B —  Cacique Inacayal Hotel or similar         alongtheLimayRiver.Later,visitalocalfamilyin
        Experience Leader and fellow travelers, including                                             theirhomeonthePatagoniansteppe,learnabout
        thosewhotookthepre-tripextensionto Santiago    DAY  •Bariloche• ControversialTopic:           theirwayoflife,andmountupforahorseback
        &EasterIsland’sSacredSites.                    Patagonian Nazi history • Craft brewery        ride.Enjoydinnerinthislocalfamily’shome.
        Argenta Tower Hotel or similar                                                                B,D—CaciqueInacayalHotelor similar
        DAY   • Buenos Aires • Controversial Topic:    District,andhikeatBrazoTristezaalongtheshore   DAY  •Puerto Varas,Chile
        Argentina’s Dirty War • Tango lesson           ofLakeNahuelHuapi.Then,seehowBariloche’s       We cross the Andes—and the border—and travel
        ExploreBuenosAires’bustlingcenter,fromthe      atafamily-ownedcraftbrewery.Later,meetwith     intoChile.ArriveinPuertoVarasthisafternoon.
        PlazadelMayotoAvenido9deJulio.Strollthrough                                                   B,L —  Radisson Puerto Varas or similar

        122    Chile & Argentina: The Andes to Patagonia                                                                                                       Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925                                                             123

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