Page 119 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        Best ofPeru: Lima, The SacredValley
                                                                                                        & Machu Picchu
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 6 nights from $1895 Only $316 per night
             toaschoolsupportedinpartby Grand Circle   DAY   •Galápagos cruise
             Foundation. Thenwe’llmeetalocalKichwa     Dependingonourdeparturedate,wemaystop
        familyandhelpprepareaspecialmealwhichwe’ll     attheCharlesDarwinResearchStationonSanta
        shareduringa Home-Hosted Lunch.                CruzIsland,dedicatedtothepreservationofthe
         B,L,D —  Yarina Lodge or similar              islandsandtomaintainingthepurityoftheir
                                                       endemic species.
        DAY   • Coca • Fly to Quito                    B,L,D —  Galápagos Small Ship
        flighttoQuito.                                 DAY    • Galápagos cruise
        B,L—NH Collection Quito Royal Hotel or similar  AswecruisewemayvisitSantiago(James)Island,
        DAY   • Quito • Optional Papallacta Hot        life;orBartolome(Bartholomew),withthe
        Springs tour                                   distinctivespireofPinnacleRockasitslandmark.
        EnjoyafreedayinQuito,orjoinafull-dayoptional   B,L,D —  Galápagos Small Ship
        tourtotheTermasdePapallactahotspringsin                                                         Riobamba & Cuenca: Cultural
        Ecuador’s highlands.                           DAY   •Galápagos cruise                          Treasures in the Ecuadorean Andes
        B—NH Collection Quito Royal Hotel or similar   Duringourcruise,wemayvisitMosqueraBeach,         POST-TRIP: 6 nights from $1295 Only $216 per night
        DAY   • Fly to the Galápagos • Embark ship     Rabida (Jervis) Island, which has a reddish beach
        FlytotheGalápagosviaGuayaquilonEcuador’s       withsteepvolcanicslopes.                         Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        PacificCoast.Then,boardourshiponcewelandin     B,L,D —  Galápagos Small Ship                    visit
        the islands.
        B,L,D —  Galápagos Small Ship                  DAY    • Galápagos cruise • Farewell Dinner      We recommend that you
        DAY    • Galápagos cruise                      whereiguanasdozeinforestsofopuntiacacti,         Arrive Early, Stay Later
        Forthenextsixdays,cruisethroughthe             or San Cristobal (Chatham), the sleepy capital of  Westrongly recommend you takeadvantageof
        “EnchantedIsles.”Theislandswecalluponvary      theGalápagosprovince.EnjoyaFarewellDinner        this extra time to relax or explore more in depth
        according to seasonal conditions and Galápagos  aboardshipthisevening.                          before or after your trip. Prices shown include
        National Park regulations.                     B,L,D —  Galápagos Small Ship                    accommodations, daily breakfast, and private
        B,L,D —  Galápagos Small Ship                                                                   airport transfer.
                                                       DAY   •Return toU.S.
        DAY    • Galápagos cruise                      FlytoQuito,wherewe’llhavetheuseofaday            • Arrive early in Lima before your Peru pre-trip
        As we cruise, explore the wildlife of the Galápagos,  room.Then,flyhometotheU.S,orbeginyour       extension for $125 per person, per night
        muchofwhichexistsnowhereelseonEarth.           post-trip extension to Riobamba&Cuenca:Cultural  • Arrive early in Quito before your main trip or
        Andtheabsenceofhumanpredatorsmakes             TreasuresintheEcuadoreanAndes.                     stay later afteryour maintrip orEcuadorpost-
        theanimalssurprisinglytame,sowecanview         B,D                                                trip extension for $150 per person, per night
        B,L,D —  Galápagos Small Ship

 118  Ultimate Galápagos Exploration & Ecuador’s Amazon Wilds  Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925          119

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