Page 125 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        Antigua & Tikal: Guatemala’s Colonial
                                                                                                        Capital and Mayan Ruins
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $1395 Only $279 per night

        withalocalfamily.Afterreturningtoourlodgefor   DAY    • Alajuela • Horseback ride to water-
        somefreetime,enjoyalessononCosta               fall • Visit a local cantina
        Rican bocas,alocalversionoftapasthatare        Today,wesaddleupforanelectivehorsebackride
        served during celebrations or gatherings.      thattakesusthroughthejungletoacascading
        B,L,D—Chachagua Rainforest Hotel or similar    waterfallandnaturalpoolnearourlodge.This

        DAY   • Travel to La Fortuna • Arenal Volcano  afternoon,youcanenjoythesurroundingnature        Costa Rica’s Caribbean Coast:
        National Park • Optional Forest Canopy Ride    Later,visitalocalcantinaforanopportunity to      Tortuguero National Park
        Today,wetraveltoLaFortuna,stoppingatArenal     interactwiththelocals.                           POST-TRIP: 3 nights from $895 Only $299 per night
        VolcanoNationalParkforanaturewalkalongthe      B,L,D—Blue River Resort or similar               Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        PeninsulaTrail.Then,wedepartforourhotelin                                                       visit
        LaFortuna,the“frontyardoftheArenalVolcano,”    DAY    • Travel to Pacific Coast
        atownofthermalspasandverdanthills.This         TransfertoPuntarenasandthePacificCoast.We’ll
        afternoon,youcanflyabovetherainforestonan      arriveatourhotelinPuntarenaslaterthis            Werecommendthatyou Arrive
        optional Forest Canopy Ride.                   afternoon.                                       Early, Stay Later
        B,D—Villas Eco Arenal or similar               B,D —  Hotel Punta Leona or similar
                                                                                                        Westrongly recommend you takeadvantageof
        DAY   • Cruise the Río Frío                    DAY   •Punta Leonanaturereserve• Rio             this extra time to relax or explore more in
        TraveltotheRíoFrío,whereweboardasmallboat      Tarcoles crocodile cruise                        depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
        toexplorethisinlandwaterway.Keepaneyeout       SpendthemorninginPuntaLeona’sprivatenature       include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
        forbirds,sloths,caimans,turtles,andbutterflies  reserve,hometomorethan300speciesofbird,         private airport transfer.
        duringourcruise.Later,we’lllearntomakea        includingtheendangeredScarletMacaw.Then,         • Arrive early in Guatemala City on your Antigua
        typical Costa Rican appetizer.                 youmaywanttovisitPuntaLeona’sbutterfly             & Tikal pre-trip extension for $125 per person,
        B,L—Villas Eco Arenal or similar               gardentoseetherareandcolorfulspeciesthat           per night
        DAY   • La Fortuna • Cacao farm visit • Travel  residehere.Thisafternoon,enjoyacruisethrough    • Arrive earlybefore your main trip,orstaylater
        to Alajuela                                    B,L —  Hotel Punta Leona or similar                after your main trip or Caribbean Coast post-trip
        OnourwaytoAlajuela,we’llstopatalocalorganic                                                       extension in San José for $125 per person,
        cacaofarmtolearnabouttheproductionofone        DAY    • Outrigger canoe ride • Overland           per night
        ofCostaRica’smostprizedagriculturalproducts.   to San José
        We’llarriveatourlodgeinthefoothillsofRincón    VistAgujasBeach,aprotectedcovewherewe’ll
        delaViejaVolcanobylateafternoon.               boardanoutriggercanoetocatchthespiritofpre-    DAY    • San José • Return to U.S
        B,L,D—Blue River Resort or similar             Columbian Costa Rica. We’ll disembark along the  ReturntotheU.S.orbeginyour Costa Rica’s
                                                       whitesandsofLimoncitoBeachwhereyou’llhave      CaribbeanCoast:TortugueroNationalPark post-
                                                       somefreetime.Later,drivetoSanJoséandenjoy      trip extension.
                                                       aFarewellDinner.                               B
                                                       B,L,D—Parque del Lago Boutique Hotel or similar

        Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925                                                             125

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