Page 121 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        The Peruvian Amazon: Treks, Cruises
                                                                                                        & Indigenous Communities
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 6 nights from $1295 Only $216 per night

        DAY   • Urubamba River • Ollantaytambo         DAY   • A Day in the Life of Izcuchaca &
        Inca Fortress • Home-Hosted Lunch              Chinchero villages • GCF visit: Cruzpata
        VisitthesplendidruinsofOllantaytambo,          School • Controversial Topic: The
        includingitsancientfortress,baths,andhuge      Chinchero airport
        terracesguardingitshilltoptemples.After        Begin our ADayintheLife discoveries in
        yourexplorations,takearaftingtripdownthe       Izcuchaca—avillagewherewe’llvisitalocal
        Urubamba River. Then, enjoy a Home-Hosted      market.Then,ascendintothenearbymountainsto
        Lunch withaPeruvianfamily,whereyou’llsample    enjoy Chinchero village, where we’ll visit a local
        thelocallymadecornbeer.                        elementaryschool(wheninsession)supported
         B,L,D —  Pisonay Pueblo or similar                 by Grand Circle Foundation.Then,share
                                                            lunch with the Chinchero community before
        DAY   • Train ride through the Sacred Valley •  headingtoalocalweavingcooperative.Here,we’ll    Southern Peru: Lake Titicaca’s Sacred
        Machu Picchu                                   discuss the Controversial Topic oftheChinchero   Landscape & Highland Culture
        TravelbytraintoMachuPicchu,thelegendary        airportandconcernsaboutitsimpactonancient        POST-TRIP: 4 nights from $895 Only $224 per night
        “LostCityoftheIncas”andaUNESCOWorld            Incan culture.
        HeritageSite.SeeremnantsoftheRitualBaths,      B,L —  José Antonio Cuzco Hotel                  Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        PalaceofthePrincess,theMainFountain,and                                                         visit
        theSunandCondortemples.Later,arriveatour       DAY    • Southern Valley of Cuzco •
        hotel,whichisconvenientlylocatednearthebase    Sacsayhuaman & Qenqo
        ofMachuPicchu,soyoucanexploretheruinslong      HeadsouthfromCuzcotoTipon,thesiteofancient       We recommend that you
        aftertourgroupshavedeparted.                   Incanwaterworksthatstillfunction500years         Arrive Early, Stay Later
        B,L,D—Casa Andina Standard Machu Picchu or similar  after their construction. Then, drive into the hills  Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
                                                       nearCuzcotovisitthemassiveSacsayhuaman           of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
        DAY  •MachuPicchu                              fortress,whichtheIncasbuiltfromhugestones        depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
        RiseearlytodrivebacktoMachuPicchu,when         weighingupto300tons.Then,witnessKenko,an         include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
        theruinsarequietanduncrowded.Wanderthe         Incanworshipsitewhichalsodisplaysimpressive      private airport transfer.
        sprawlingruinsonyourown,or,dependingon         stonework.Thisevening,enjoyaFarewellDinnerat
        whichtrailsareopen,choosetohiketotheSun        alocalrestaurant.                                • Arrive early in Lima before your main adventure
        GateortheIncaBridge.                           B,L,D —  José Antonio Cuzco Hotel                  or Peruvian Amazon pre-trip extension, or stay
        B,L—Casa Andina Standard Machu Picchu or similar                                                  laterafteryour main adventure orSouthernPeru
                                                       DAY    • Cuzco • Lima • Return to U.S.             post-tripextensionfor$125perperson,pernight
        DAY   • Train ride through the Sacred Valley •  YourmorningisfreeinCuzcoformakingfinal
        Colonial Cuzco                                 discoveries.Then,flytoLima,andconnectto
        ThismorningtransfertoCuzcobytrainandbus,       yourovernightflightbacktotheU.S.Or,begin
        arrivingintimeforlunchatalocalrestaurant.      yourpost-tripextensionto Southern Peru: Lake
        Thisafternoon,exploreCuzcoonawalkingtour,      Titicaca’sSacredLandscape&HighlandCulture.
        includingthesiteoftheQoricanchaSunTemple       Please note: Youwillhaveaccesstoadayroom
        andtheheartofthecityatthePlazadeArmas.         untilweleaveCuzco,butthereisnoovernighthotel
        B,L—JoséAntonio Cuzco Hotel                    stay tonight.
                                                       B,L—JoséAntonio Cuzco Hotel(day room)

 120  Real A ordable Peru  Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925                                          121

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