Page 6 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 6
Letters, photos, and more
A Mythic Quest An Early Riser’s Reward
My most memorable moment It was early in our Antarctic
on Crossroads of the Adriatic: Circle Expedition: Journey
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia & through Antarctica Small Ship
Herzegovina, and Slovenia was Adventure, on the Corinthian
finding the Dragon Bridge in this past January. On my
Ljubljana, Slovenia. My then early morning bathroom
five-year-old granddaughter run, I peeked out the
had asked for a dragon for curtains of my cabin.
her sixth birthday. I found the bridge and then a souvenir The sky was a pretty
of the “Dragon.” She was thrilled. My 15-year-old grandson pink. I got back in
is still upset I couldn’t acquire a gas mask for his birthday. bed, then said, girl,
Oh well. you’re only here once.
I grabbed my parka,
John Steffan tennies, and iPhone.
19-time traveler This is the sunrise that
This is the sunrise that
Berlin, MA
greeted me on the other
greeted me on the other
side of the Corinthian.
The Many Layers of Sicily The first photo in this
The people living on this island in the Mediterranean have sequence was taken at
been influenced and shaped by prehistoric peoples, the 4:31am and last one was
Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Nor- 4:36am. I’ll never forget
mans, the Catholic Church, earthquakes, Mt. Etna and its the feeling .
repeated eruptions, the Mafia, World Wars and more. The
people, generation after generation, seem to embrace their Ellen Burmester
history and are richer for it. I could feel (not just see) this 5-time traveler
history when I visited. Sicily’s landscape, frequent Medi- Fair Oaks, CA
terranean vistas and plant life are beautiful.
Up, Up and Away
Cheryl Lind One morning during Turkey’s Magical Hideaways in
16-time traveler Cappadocia, we experienced a hot air balloon ride for
Novato, CA the first time. The balloon pilot was very efficient and
Novato, CA
explained everything, which added to the comfort of our
ride. He and his team even landed the basket on their
flatbed trailer. Every ride is different, as the wind dictates
the trip.
David & Barbara Jack
18-time travelers
Modesto, CA
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