Page 55 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        Carcassonne, Bayonne &
                                                                                                        French Basque Country
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $1995 Only $399 per night

        awalkingtourledbyalocalresidentwhowill         afishingvillagefamousforits hórreos, traditional
        discussthecontroversysurroundingthislocal      stonegrainstoresonstilts.
        tradition.We’llconcludeourtouratCaféIruna,     B,D—Hotel Palacio del Carmen or similar
        Hemingway’sbelovedhauntonPlazadelCastillo.                                                      Lisbon, Sintra Palace &
        B,L—TresReyesHotelor similar                   DAY    • Douro Valley • Home-Hosted Lunch •      Seaside Cascais
                                                       Tannery visit • Chaves                           POST-TRIP: 4 nights from $1595 Only $399 per night
        DAY   • Ubidea & Otxandio • León               DepartforPortugal’sDouroValley,stoppingen
        ExploretheundiscoveredcornersoftheBasque       routeinAllariztolearnaboutSpain’sleather         Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        countryside,includingUbideaandOtxandio.Meet    traditions and Chaves to view centuries-old      visit
        with local leaders, scientists, and entrepreneurs  architecture. Later, enjoy a Home-Hosted Lunch
        tolearnaboutancientandmodernlifehere.Later,    withalocalfamily.
        travelonwardtoLeón.                            B,L,D—Lamego Hotel & Life or similar             We recommend that you
        B,L,D —  Sercotel Alfonso V or similar                                                          Arrive Early, Stay Later
                                                       DAY   • DouroValley • Quinta visit
        DAY   • A Day in the Life of Santa Colomba de  Setofftoexploreportwinecountryalongthe           Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
        Somoza • León                                  DouroRiver.Visita quinta (wine farm) to trace the  of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
                                                                                                        depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
        DepartforSantaColombadeSomozato                pathofportfromgrapetoglassandenjoylunch.         include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
        experience ADayintheLife of a traditional      B,L,D—Lamego Hotel & Life or similar             private airport transfer.
        willsharehisknowledgeaboutthesmalltown.        DAY     •  Porto                                 • Arrive early in Carcassonne on your France pre-
        Then,enjoylunchwithalocalfamily.               TravelwesttocoastalPorto,andenjoya                 trip extension for $200 per person, per night
        B,L—SercotelAlfonsoVor similar                 panoramicdrivingtourtoseesomeofitsfamous         • Arrive early in Bilbao before your main trip for
                                                       sitesandbuildings.                                 $175 per person, per night
        DAY  •SantiagodeCompostela                     B,L—Hotel Porto Royal Bridges or similar
        SetoffforSantiagodeCompostela,the                                                               • Conclude your main trip with more time in
        culmination of the camino.Stopinthecityof      DAY    • Porto • Optional Arouca Tour              Porto for $225 per person, per night
        Ponferrada,thelaststationonthepilgrimage,      ExplorePortoatyourownpacetoday.Orjoin            •Remain in Lisbon after your Portugal post-trip
        whichishometoahostofmedievalstructures.        usforanoptionaltouroftheAroucaBridgeand            extension for $150 per person, per night
        B,L—Hotel Palacio del Carmen or similar        Geopark—a UNESCO World Heritage Site—before
        DAY     •  Santiago                            B,D —  Hotel Porto Royal Bridges or similar
        ExploreonfootinSantiagodeCompostela,thecity                                                   DAY   • Returnto U.S.
        thathasbeenthedestinationofmanypilgrims.       DAY    • Porto • Portuguese youth emigra-      Departfortheairportforyourreturnflighthome,
        B,D—Hotel Palacio del Carmen or similar        tion conversation                              ortobeginourpost-tripextensionto Lisbon, Sintra
                                                       EnjoyawalkingtourofPorto,andvisitlandmarks     Palace&SeasideCascais.
        DAY    • Santiago • Optional Tour to           liketheParquedasVirtudesandtheClérigos         B
        Pontevedra & Combarro                          Church.Then,meetwithlocalstudentstodiscuss
        Exploreonyourowntoday,orjoinanoptionaltour     howeducatedyoungpeopleseemtoberapidly
        totheriversidecityofPontevedraandCombarro,     emigratingfromPortugal.
                                                       B,D —  Hotel Porto Royal Bridges or similar

        Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925                                                              55

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