Page 45 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        The Gaelic Island Culture of the
                                                                                                        Scottish Hebrides: Skye, Lewis
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 6 nights from $2995 Only $500 per night

                                                                                                        The Remote Shetlands: Wildlife,
        DAY   • Oban • Explore Isle of Iona            byawalkingtourofAberdeen.Later,visitCrathes      Nature & Time-Honored Traditions
        TakeaferrytotheIsleofIona,andlearnaboutthe     CastleanditsgardensfollowedbyalocalHighland      POST-TRIP: 5 nights from $2995 Only $599 per night
        changingreligiouslandscapeoftheisland—from     cattlefarmwherewewillalsoenjoydinner.
        thearrivalofChristianityinthesixthcenturytothe  B,D—Sandman Signature Aberdeen Hotel or similar
        Then,returntoObanforindependentdiscoveries.    DAY    • Edinburgh • St. Andrews
        B,L —  The Scot or similar                     OnourwaytoEdinburgh,visitSt.Andrewsfora
        DAY   • Oban • Inverness • Urquhart Castle •   After,wecontinueontoEdinburgh,arrivinglater
        Cruise Loch Ness                               this afternoon.
        TraveltoInverness,thecapitaloftheHighlands,    B,D—Apex City of Edinburgh Hotel or similar      DramaticLandscapesof North Wales
        withstopsalongthewayinFortAugustus,the                                                          & Liverpool, England
        ruinsofUrquhartCastle,andacruiseonLoch         DAY     •  Edinburgh
        Ness.ArriveinInvernesslaterthisafternoon.      ExploreEdinburgh’sOldandNewTowns,UNESCO          POST-TRIP: 5 nights from $2495 Only $499 per night
        B,D—RiverNess Hotel orsimilar                  WorldHeritageSites,andwalkdowntheRoyal           Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        DAY   • Inverness • Visit Culloden Battlefield  thecastle’shistoryasaroyalresidence,fortress,   visit
        • Glen Ord Distillery                          and prison.                                      We recommend that you
        VisittheCullodenBattlefieldtolearnaboutthe     B—Apex City of Edinburgh Hotel or similar        Arrive Early, Stay Later
        site’sbloodyhistorybeforecontinuingontoGlen    DAY   •Edinburgh•VisitFalkirk Wheel
        OrdDistillery,Scotland’sfourthlargestdistillery.  VisittheFalkirkWheel,arotatingboatliftthat    Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
        B,L—River Ness Hotel or similar                                                                 of this extra time to relax or explore more in
                                                       connectstheForthandClydeCanalwiththeUnion        depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
        DAY    • Aberdeen • Barrel cooperage &         Canal.Then,enjoyfreetimeinEdinburghbeforea       include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
        whisky distillery                              FarewellDinneratalocalrestaurant.                private airport transfer.
        Visitadistillerytosamplethecountry’siconic     B,D—Apex City of Edinburgh Hotel or similar      • Arrive early in Nairn on your Scottish Hebrides
        whiskyandlearnmoreaboutthisintegralindustry,   DAY    •Return toU.S.                              pre-trip extension for $300 per person, per
        followedbyavisittooneofthelastfamily-owned     Flyhomeorbeginyour The Remote                      night
        cooperagesinScotland.We’llalsostopinBallater   Shetlands:Wildlife,Nature&Time-Honored
        beforearrivinginAberdeen.                      Traditions or DramaticLandscapesofNorthWales&    • Arrive early in Glasgow onyour maintrip for
        B—Sandman Signature Aberdeen Hotel or similar  Liverpool, England extension.                      $200 per person, per night

        DAY    • Aberdeen • Controversial Topic: UK    B                                                • Conclude your main trip or your Shetland
                                                                                                          Islands post-trip extension with more time in
        unity • Visit Crathes Castle and Gardens                                                          Edinburgh for $325 per person, per night
        Learnmoreaboutthe Controversial Topic of                                                        • Spendmore timein Liverpool at the end
        Scottish independence from a member of                                                            of your North Wales and Liverpool post-trip
        Scotland’s pro-independence movement, followed                                                    extension for $175 per person, per night

 44  Scotland Revealed: Legends, Lochs & Highland Landscapes  Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925          45

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