Page 47 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        Along England’s Southwest Coast:
                                                                                                        Salisbury,theJurassicCoast & Cornwall
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 7 nights from $3395 Only $485 per night

        theancientRomanruinsofVindolandaFortbefore     siteofthewreckoftheHMSRoyalOak.Then,
        walkingthroughVindolandaGardens,locatedjust    exploretheOrkneyFossil&HeritageCentre.           Classic English Landscapes:
        beyond the fort.                               B,D —  The Albert Hotel or similar               The Cotswolds to London
        B,D—Macdonald Holyrood Hotel & Spa or similar                                                   POST-TRIP: 7 nights from $3495 Only $500 per night
                                                       DAY    • Ferry ride to St. Gills Bay • Inverness
        DAY  •Edinburgh•Edinburgh Castle               TakeaferrytoSt.GillsBay,followedbyadrive to      Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        TourEdinburgh,includingtheOldTownbyfoot        thevillageofJohno’Groats,locatednearDunnet       visit
        andtheNewTownbymotorcoach.Strollalong          Head—thenorthernmostpointofmainlandGreat
        thecobbledstreetsanddowntheRoyalMileto         Britain.Then,drivealongthescenicNorthCoast       We recommend that you
        EdinburghCastle,wherewe’llhaveaguidedtour of   500roadtoreachInverness.                         Arrive Early, Stay Later
        thecastleandSt.Margaret’sChapel.               B,L,D —  Hotel in Inverness or similar
        B,L—Macdonald Holyrood Hotel & Spa or similar                                                   We strongly recommend you take advantage
                                                       DAY    • Inverness • Kilt maker visit • Visit    of this extra time to relax or explore more in
        DAY   • William Wallace Monument • Visit the   Café 1668, a Grand Circle Foundation site        depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
        Argaty Red Kite Centre                         TakeawalkingtourofInvernessincludingCavell       include accommodations, daily breakfast, and
        Today,witnesstheiconicWilliamWallace           GardensbeforeascendingtotheInvernessCastle       privateairporttransfer.
        Monument.Then,we’llvisitArgatyRedKite          Viewpoint.Then,visitalocalkiltmaker’sshop.For    • Arrive early in Salisbury on your Jurassic Coast &
        Centretolearnaboutthisrarebirdofpreyandthe     lunch,we’llheadtoCafé1668—supported                Cornwall pre-trip extension for $200 per person,
        centre’s conservation efforts.                      inpartby Grand Circle Foundation—which        per night
        B,L—Macdonald Holyrood Hotel & Spa or similar       alsoprovidesmealstotheneighborhood’s
                                                       vulnerablepopulationandofferstrainingand         • Arrive early in Chester before your main trip for
        DAY    • Orkney Islands • Kirkwall             employmentopportunitiestothoseinneed.              $225 per person, per night
        FlytotheOrkneyIslands,anarchipelagoof70        B,L—Hotel in Inverness or similar                •Stay later in Inverness after your main adventure
        islands,only20ofwhichareinhabited.Upon                                                            for $250 per person, per night
        arrivalinKirkwall,thelargesttownoftheislands,  DAY    • Loch Ness • Eilean Donan Castle •       •Stay later in London after your Cotswolds & London
        we’llhavefreetimetoexploreOrkney’scapital.     Isle of Skye                                       post-trip extension for $250 per person, per night
        B,D —  The Albert Hotel or similar             DiscoverthevillageofFortAugustusonthe
        DAY    • Skara Brae and Ring of Brodgar        a13th-centuryfortress.Then,ontheIsleof         Britain’sonlyfree-rangeherdofreindeer.At
        Today,visitSkaraBrae,aNeolithicvillageand      Skye, visit Clan Donald Center, a Highland estate  thefarewelldinnertonight,raiseaglassand
        aUNESCOWorldHeritageSite,andtheRingof          celebratingScotland’slargestclan.              toastwithahearty Slàinte mhath—”cheers” in
        Brodgar,aNeolithichengeandstonecircle.         B,L,D —  Hotel in Inverness or similar         Scottish Gaelic.
        B,D —  The Albert Hotel or similar                                                            B,D—Hotel in Inverness or similar
                                                       DAY    • Cairngorms National Park • Whisky
        DAY    • Orkney Islands • Churchill Barriers   distillery • Cairngorm Reindeer Herd           DAY   • Returnto U.S.
        DiscoverScapaFlow,aRoyalNavybaseduring         EnjoyatourandtastingoftheTomatinWhisky         Transfertotheairportforyourreturnflighthome.
        bothWorldWars.HighlightsincludetheChurchill    Distillery.Then,journeydeepintotheScottish     Or, begin your Classic English Landscapes: The
        Barriers,achapelbuiltbyItalianPOWs,andthe      HighlandstovisittheCairngormreindeerherd,      CotswoldstoLondon post-trip extension.

 46  Idyllic Great Britain: England’s Lake District, the Scottish Highlands & Orkney Archipelago  Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925  47

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