Page 40 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
P. 40
Chamonix, France
New! Alpine Europe: France,Italy’sDolomites,Switzerland& Austria
France: Chamonix | Italy: Biella, Bolzano, San Candido | Switzerland: Lugano | Austria: Innsbruck
For departure dates, available single space, and pricing, visit
18 days from $5995
including international airfare Learn what it means to follow the Alpine way—from its snow-capped peaks, mountain valleys, and glacial lakes
to the warmth,charm,and culture of the cities and villagesofthe foothills.See what drawsvisitorshere when
Single Supplement: FREE youride a funicular up the peak ofAiguille Du Midi in Chamonix,France ortrek across Italy’sDolomites.Glide
Save a FULL 10%, up to $710, with our across LakeLugano on a privateboat tour, gaze up at thetriple-peaked TreCime, and discover thesimpleway of
Good Buy Plan—reserve by 11/15/22 life for thepeople who call this uniqueregion home.
Valid for Apr-Dec 2023 departures
WHATTOEXPECT toAiguilleDuMidi,thehighestmountainpeakthat DAY • Biella • Home-Hosted Lunch
B,D — Hotel in Chamonix DiscovertheAlpinecityofBiella,includingthe
medieval Piazzo Square whose ancient doors
View all physical requirements at DAY • La Mer de Glace glacier • Glaciorium wereonceusedtoclosethevillageoff,the Museum • Mountain chalet lunch elegantcathedral,andhistoricPalazzoFerrero.
TakethehistoricMontenversRailwayupthe which features both country-wide and regional
ITINERARY sidesoftheAiguillesdeChamonixtoanaltitude exhibitions.Then,meetatypicalAlpineItalian
ofaround6,276feet,thendisembarktoexplore familyduringa Home-Hosted Lunch.
DAY •DepartU.S. LaMerdeGlace,thelargestglacierinFrance. B,L — Hotel in Biella
DeparttodayonyourflighttoGeneva,Switzerland. Learnhowmeltingglaciersareimpactingthe
environmentduringavisittotheGlaciorium,a DAY • ADay in theLife of a local cheese farm
DAY • Geneva, Switzerland • Transfer to museumdedicatedtoglaciology.We’llenjoylunch
Chamonix, France inanAlpinechalet. Experience ADayintheLife ofatypicalItalian
UponarrivalinGeneva,transfertoChamonix, B,L — Hotel in Chamonix cheesefarmtoday.Thefarm’sownerswilltakeus
France,whereyou’llmeetyourfellowtravelers, thecheesemakingprocess.Afterrollingupour
includingthoseonour Catalonia, Spain: Barcelona, DAY • Overland to Biella, Italy • Aosta sleevestopitchinonsomedailychores,we’llhead
Girona & Tarragona pre-trip extension. JourneytoBiella,Italytoday,drivingthroughthe tothefarmhousetohelpthefamilypreparea
Hotel in Chamonix MontBlancTunnel.Alongtheway,visittheancient midday meal using seasonal ingredients.
DAY •Chamonix •AiguilleDu Midihike foundedbytheRomansin25BCwiththesecond B,L — Hotel in Biella
ExplorethemountainresorttownofChamonix, largestnumberofRomanruinsvisibleinItaly.We’ll DAY •Lugano,Switzerland •
includingthemedievalEgliseSaintMichelandthe alsostoptosamplesomeoftheregion’srichand Savoiardi factory
StatueofdeSaussure,erectedtohonorthefirstto creamy Fontina cheese.
persontoclimbMontBlanc.Then,takeafunicular B,L,D — Hotel in Biella AlongthewaytoLugano,stopforasweet
40 Alpine Europe: France, Italy’s Dolomites, Switzerland & Austria Information & Reservations 1-800-955-1925 41
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