Page 39 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        History and Culinary Delights of
                                                                                                        Bologna & Parma, Italy
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 6 nights from $1995 Only $333 per night

        DAY  •Chianticountryside • Oliveoilmill•       DAY   •Pienza •Perugia • Chocolate-making
        Cooking class & farmhouse lunch                experience • Spoleto
        Drive through the Chianti countryside, traveling  SetoffforUmbriaandawalkingtourofPerugia,
        throughTuscany’srolling,vineyard-carpeted hills.  nestledin“thegreenheartofItaly.”Conclude ata
        Stopatanolive-oilmillandenjoyatastingofthis    former goldsmith workshop turned chocolaterie.
        stapleofTuscancooking.Then,continuetoa         Learnaboutthebusinessfromtheownersbefore         Rome:Ancient Sites & HiddenCity Gems
        nearbytownforacookinglessonandlunchatan        tryingyourhandatchocolate-making.
        agriturismo farmhouse.                         B,L,D —  Hotel Clitunno or similar               POST-TRIP: 4 nights from $1495 Only $374 per night
        B,L,D—Villa Il Leccio or similar
                                                       DAY    • Spoleto • Optional Umbrian Folk         Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        DAY  •Pienza •Siena                            Music Tour                                       visit
        TransfertoPienza,beginningwithashortrideinto   OnawalkingtourofSpoleto,admiretheDuomodi
        Siena.DiscoverSiena’sOldTown,aUNESCOWorld      Spoleto,aneleventh-centurycathedral.Later,join   We recommend that you
        HeritageSite,andstrollfromPiazzadelCampo       theoptionaltourtoSpelloandenjoyaconcertin a
        toPortaRomana.DepartingSiena,ascenicdrive      localUmbrianmusician’shomebeforedinnerin a       Arrive Early, Stay Later
        bringsusthroughthehillsofCreteSenesibefore     local restaurant.                                Westrongly recommend you takeadvantageof
        arriving in Pienza.                            B,L —  Hotel Clitunno or similar                 this extra time to relax or explore more in depth
        B,D—Piccolo Hotel La Valle or similar                                                           before or after your trip. Prices shown include
                                                       DAY    • Spoleto • Truffle hunting •             accommodations, daily breakfast, and private
        DAY   • Etruscan Museum • Montepulciano        Controversial Topic: Truffle exclusivity         airport transfer.
        VisittheEtruscanMuseumforatalkonthehistory     Visitasmallmountainvillagenestledinthe
        oftheEtruscansintheChiancianocommunity.        Apenninesandmeetupwithlocaltruffle               • Arrive early in Bologna on your Bologna and
        After,traveltoMontepulcianoandstopoutside      huntersandtheirdogstoseekouttheprecious            Parma pre-trip extension for $175 per person,
        oftheSanctuaryofSanBiagio,designedusing        mushrooms.Later,returntothevillageforlunch         per night
        thesamearchitecturalplanasSt.Peter’sBasilica.  andconversationwithalocalshepherd.               • Arrive early in Lucca before your main trip
        Then,drivetothecenterofthisTuscanvillageto     B,L,D —  Hotel Clitunno or similar                 for $200 per person, per night
        seeViaSanGallo,ahistoricstreet.                                                                 • Conclude your main trip or your Rome post-trip
        B,L —  Piccolo Hotel La Valle or similar       DAY    • Umbria • Rome                             extension with more time in Rome for $225 per
                                                       BidfarewelltoUmbriaandbegintheoverland             person, per night
        DAY   •Pienza •OptionalPitigliano&             transfertoRome.InRome,enjoyawalkingtour
        Sovana tour                                    throughtheTrasteveredistrictbeforeenjoying
        Todayisyourstomakeyourowndiscoveries.          lunchatalocaltrattoria.
        Or,joinourfull-dayoptionaltourtodiscoverthe    B,L,D —  Hotel Savoy or similar                DAY    • Return to U.S.
        rich Jewish heritage of Pitigliano and the ancient                                            Transfertotheairportforyourreturnflighthome.
        EtruscannecropolisofSovana.                                                                   Or, begin your Rome:AncientSites&HiddenCity
        B—Piccolo HotelLaValleor similar                                                              Gems post-trip extension.

        Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925                                                              39

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