Page 17 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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Private Tented Camp Petermann, Australia                              Turkish gulet Turquoise Coast, Turkey

          Enjoyan overnightexperience atour private campsite in the             On our Turkey's Magical Hideaways adventure,wecruise aboard a
          heart ofthe Outback onour A South Pacific Odyssey: Australia,         privately chartered, 13-passenger traditional Turkish gulet-style
          the Outback & New Zealand adventure.We’ll campin walk-in              yacht. Constructed mostly from fine teak and oak, these small
          tents, enjoy our meals together in the camp's common area, and        yachts are ideal for exploring the hidden waterways and ancient
          perhaps gatherforabonfire as we enjoythe starrydesertsky.             Lyciansitesscattered along theTurquoiseCoast.

          PeaceVistaLodge                                Vecchia Masseria                              Sada Hotel Luang Prabang

          Golan Heights, Israel                          PiazzaArmerina,Italy                          Luang Prabang, Laos

          On our Israel: The Holy Land & Timeless        Enjoya memorable nightthis elegant            Travelers on our Ancient Kingdoms:
          Cultures adventure, enjoy two nights at        agriturismo nestled in the heart of the       Thailand,Laos,Cambodia & Vietnam
          alodge overlookingthe SeaofGalilee,            Sicliancountryside duringour Sicily's         adventure will enjoy three nights in Luang
          Mount Hermon, and the Jordan Valley.           Ancient Landscapes & Timeless Traditions      Prabang, Laos, at the Sada Hotel Luang
          Featuring 50 air-conditioned cabins,           adventure. A former estate dating back        Prabang. Built in the tradition Lao style,
          Peace Vista is operated by the Kfar            to 1856, it's surrounded by 5,000 acres       the Sada Hotel is situated away from the
          Haruv kibbutz, whose members provide           of woodlands and features an award-           bustle of Luang Prabang's city center and
          complimentary Golanwines inyour                winning restaurant and outdoor terrace        features 33 air-conditioned rooms and a
          cabin at sunset.                               withsweepingviews of the Sicilianhills.       lovely courtyard garden.

          Information & Reservations 1-800-955-1925                                                                                           17

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