Page 21 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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Dear Traveler,
In 1992 we established Grand Circle Foundation, an entity of the Lewis
Family Foundation, as a means to give back to the world that had
already given us so much. Since then, we’ve pledged or donated more
than$225 millionto about 600 organizations worldwide, including
some 300 schools in 90 villages where we travel.
Grand Circle Foundation is also there when crisis unfolds in the
world.Russia’sinvasionof Ukrainehas resulted inanunprecedented
outpouring of support for Ukrainian refugees and orphans. Through
the kind generosity of our travelers and associates, more than $3
We continue to send relief aid to countless Ukrainian
millionofrelief aid inthe formofclothing, food, medicine, and other refugeesinneed.
itemsinshort supply aregettingdirectly into thehandsof Ukrainian
refugees at shelters in Poland and Romania.
A continent away, another crisis is unfolding more slowly but
potentially just asdevastating.With drought conditionscreating
water shortagesacross East Africa, the Foundation’sVicePresident,
JanByrnes, has beenspearheading aproject to bringwater to villages
and schools we support in Tanzania. In partnership with Wine to
Water, an organization ledby our friendDoc Hendley, we fundeda
water drillingrigand teamofoperators to bringmore immediate
reliefto those inneed. InJuly,Jantook her 13-year-old grandson
Aidento Tanzaniaand met up withDoc just as initial drillinggot
underway. Withindays, cleanwater beganflowingfor the Eluway Learn how Moroccan women are bettering their lives
primary school inKaratu—withmore to come. with workshops at the Imik Simik Women’s Association.
None of this would be possible without your
help.Thankyou for traveling with us, and
for helping to change people’s lives.
Warm regards,
Harriet R. Lewis
Chair, Grand Circle Foundation
If you visit theFoundation’shome pageat, Wine to Water founder Doc Hendley and Grand Circle
you can clickon our “Donateto Ukrainian RefugeeRelief” section.To Foundation Vice President Jan Byrnes take a quick work
break in Tanzania.
learnabout many more ongoingFoundationprojects, you cansignup
forourweekly e-newsletter, the Inside Scoop, at
Learn more about the many ways we help change lives together at
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