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Over half of our Trip Experience Leaders have beenwithus for more
          than 5 years. Not just “guides,” they're your teachers and friends who             We have very high expectations for a Trip
          love sharing the history and culture of their homelands. And traveling             Experience Leader and have never been
          inasmall group gives you more “one-on-one” time withyourTrip                       disappointed on any O.A.T. trip.”
          Experience Leader, who will gladly help out with any special requests              —Ray Millimet, 14-time traveler from Omaha, NE
          you may have during your adventure to make it even more special.

                                               Samantha Johnson UltimateAfrica:Botswana,Zambia&ZimbabweSafari
                                               99% of O.A.T. travelers rated Samantha as "excellent"
                                               Resides in: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
                                               Years with O.A.T.: 14

                                               My motherneverunderstood why I wanted to be a guide and notadoctororlawyer,but I’ve
                                               always enjoyed wildlife and the outdoors. So after I graduated from high school, I got an
                                               advanced degree intour operations, and have beenworkingas a guide ever since. WithO.A.T.
                                               it’s all about the culture, and that’s what I know, that’s how I grew up.

                                               Andrea Salas TheWildernessBeyond:Patagonia,TierradelFuego&theChileanFjords

                                               99% of O.A.T. travelers rated Andrea as "excellent"
                                               Resides in: Buenos Aires, Argentina
                                               Years with O.A.T.: 15

                                               I went to university in Buenos Aires and also studied languages abroad in France and Italy. I got
                                               adegree inLaw and became anattorney,but I wanted to see the world, so I started workingfor
                                               different cruise lines. BeingaTrip Experience Leader is not just a jobfor me—havingfunwhile
                                               learning and discovering the world is the perfect combination, so I offer myself completely to my

                                               Leky Vaewta Ancient Kingdoms: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam

                                               92% of O.A.T. travelers rated Leky as "excellent"
                                               Resides in: Samutprakarn, Thailand
                                               Years with O.A.T.: 22

                                               Iwas bornand raised in a warm, loving family inNakhonPathom, a city inThailand about
                                               30miles from Bangkok. Iwent to primary and secondary school, and thenwent to university
                                               in Bangkok, graduating in 1985. Since starting with O.A.T., I’ve loved my travelers’ curiosity,
                                               friendliness, and passion for new experiences.Traveling with me, I’ll besureto tellyou about
                                               what I thinkarethebest thingsto do.

                                               Damir Horvat CrossroadsoftheAdriatic:Croatia,Montenegro,Bosnia&Herzegovina,andSlovenia

                                               95% of O.A.T. travelers rated Damir as "excellent"
                                               Resides in: Zagreb, Croatia
                                               Years with O.A.T.: 7

                                               While I earned my Bachelor’s Degree inEconomics inZagreband thenanMBA inLondon,I
                                               worked as a teaching assistant and at an international financial institution. The skills I developed
                                               there have served me well in my current role as Trip Experience Leader. I love working for O.A.T.,
                                               especially asit combines allof my passions—meeting peoplefrom around theworld, travel,
                                               teaching,and havingfun.

 2023 Worldwide Adventures  Information & Reservations 1-800-955-1925                                              15

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