Page 10 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
P. 10
Small Group Adventures with
Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile
A note about the physical demands of our trips These adventures usually include easy walks in city centers of one
or two miles and some steps.
While walking is an essential element of our trips, as long as you're
in relatively good health with an active lifestyle, just about anyone
can enjoy O.A.T. adventures. During walking tours in historic city City walking tours on these trips might be two or three miles at a
centers, you may encounter cobblestones and steep stairs. Some time and often involve many steps.
trips may require walking over uneven, gravelly terrain to explore
archaeological ruins. Others may feature a countryside hike up and
over hills to observe local wildlife or just to enjoy nature. To get the Walking tours or nature hikes can be three or more miles with some
most out of your adventure, you should be prepared to walk for two steep slopes and stairs.
or three miles each day. The “Activity Level” rating we include on
each trip can help you decide if it's right for you. A general guide to
our 1 to 5 rating system is shown at right, but details about pacing You may have to get in and out of small Zodiac boats or go on hikes
and other physical demands of each adventure are on our website. overrough terrainathigh altitudes.
More details about our rating system are at Nature hikes could be up to eight miles over rough, steep terrain,
oftenat altitudesabove 10,000feet.
10 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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