Page 109 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
P. 109
Bhutan: The Last Shangri-La
PRE-TRIP: 8 nights from $2395 Only $300 per night
DAY •Visit Grand CircleFoundation- DAY • Overland to Lucknow •
supported school • A Day in the Life of a Cooking lesson Nepal: Kathmandu&Pokhara
local village Afterbreakfast,we’lldrivetoLucknow, arecently POST-TRIP: 6 nights from $1895 Only $316 per night
Thismorningwe’llspend ADayintheLife of a added destination.Aftercheckingintoourhotel,
localvillage,beginningwithavisittoaschool you’llhavesomefreetime.Later,we’lllearnhowto Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
supportedinpartby Grand Circle make traditional kebab from a local chef. visit
Foundation.Next,wemeetthevillagers, B,L,D — Taj Mahal Lucknow or similar
includingthelocalwomenwhoaretakingaleadin We recommend that you
theircommunity.Afterfreetime,we’llvisita DAY • Explore Old Lucknow • Kathak
women’s collective before dinner. dance school visit Arrive Early, Stay Later
B,L,D — Nahargarh Hotel or similar Enjoyafulldayexperiencingmultifaceted Westrongly recommend you takeadvantageof
Lucknow,beginningwithavisittoOld this extra time to relax or explore more in depth
DAY •OptionalmorningJeep safari• Lucknow. Then,we’llenjoyatraditionaldance before or after your trip. Prices shown include
Overland to O.A.T. Camp • Meditation and demonstrationattheKathakDanceTraining accommodations, daily breakfast, and private
yoga session Centerbeforelunchatalocalrestaurant.Your airport transfer.
Weenjoybreakfastandsometimeatleisureatthe afternoonisfreeuntilwereconvenefordinnerata • Arrive early in Kolkata on your Bhutan pre-trip
hotelthismorning.Atmidday,wedepartforour local restaurant. extension for $150 per person, per night
yogaandwellnesscampinRajasthan,ontheedge B,L,D — Taj Mahal Lucknow or similar
ofasmalltownintheheartofruralIndia.Tonight, • Arrive early orstaylaterfor your main trip in
we’llsitbythecampfireasdancersentertainus. DAY • Overland to Varanasi • Sacred light Delhi for $175 per person, per night
B,L,D—O.A.T. Camp ceremony on the Ganges • Spend moretimein Kathmandu at the end
Thismorningwe’llridetoVaranasi,oneofthe of your Nepal post-trip extension for $150 per
DAY •ExploreAbhaneristep well• oldestandholiestofHinduplaces.Afterlunch, person, per night
Overland to Agra we’llenjoyfreetimetoexplore.Later,we’llboard
TodaywetraveloverlandtoAgra,stoppingen aboatforauniquevantagepointoftheRiver
routetoexplorethestepwellofAbhaneri,and Ganges,aswellasthesacred aarti light ceremony DAY •Yoga class • Flyto Delhior begin
laterenjoylunchinBharatpur.We’llhearabout priests perform on its banks. post-trip extension
Mughalhistoryalongthewaytoourdestination, B,L—Taj Ganges, Varanasi or similar Riseearlythismorningforarelaxingyogaand
wherewe’llcheckintoourhoteluponarrivaland meditationsessionledbyalocalteacher.This
spendtheeveningatleisure. DAY • Visit Buddhist learning center afternoonweflytoDelhi,wherewe’llspendthe
B,L — Jaypee Palace or similar of Sarnath night.Or,ifyouaretakingthe Nepal: Kathmandu
Thismorning,we’llgotoSarnath,whereBuddha & Pokhara post-tripextension,flydirectlyto
DAY •ControversialTopic: Acid attacks preachedthefirstsermononhisnewreligionin KathmanduviaDelhiinstead.
againstwomen • TajMahal• AgraFort 530BC.Afterlunch,we’llventuretothebathing B,D—Lemon Tree Premier Hotel
Todaywe’llviewasightunlikeanyother:theTaj ghats locatedalongsidethesacredRiverGanges.
Mahal.Afterward,we’lldiscussthe Controversial Here, we’ll witness temple priests perform aarti, DAY • Returnto U.S.
Topic ofacidattackswithtwofemalesurvivors the sacred light ceremony. RisebeforedawntoreturntotheU.S.
beforeventuringtoAgraFort.Theafternoonis B—Taj Ganges, Varanasi or similar B
B,D — Jaypee Palace or similar
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