Page 105 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                                             Jewels of Burma’s
                                                                                                                             Irrawaddy River:
                                                                                                                             Rangoon, Bagan
                                                                                                                             PRE-TRIP: 7 nights from
                                                                                                                             $1995 Only $285
                                                                                                                             per night
                                                                                                                             Vietnam: From
                                                                                                                             Hanoi to the Hill
                                                                                                                             Tribes of Sapa
                                                                                                                             POST-TRIP: 7nights
                                                                                                                             from $1595 Only $228
                                                                                                                             per night
                                                                                                                             The River Kwai,
                                                                                                                             Chiang Rai &
                                                                                                                             Chiang Mai
                                                                                                                             POST-TRIP: 8nights
        DAY  •Fly toVientiane •Home-                   DAY   •Tonle Sap floatingvillage•                                     from $1395 Only $175
        Hosted Dinner                                  Controversial Topic: healthcare inequal-                              per night
        FlytoVientiane,Laos’capital.Alocalfamily       ity • Angkor                                     Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        willinviteusintotheirhomefora Home-            Takeabuffalo-drawncartandprivateboatride         visit
        Hosted Dinner.                                 onTonleSaptovisitthefloatingvillages.Meet
        B,D—Sabaidee@Lao Hotelor similar               amidwifetodiscussthe Controversial Topic of      Werecommendthatyou Arrive
                                                       inequality within Cambodia’s healthcare system.  Early, Stay Later
        DAY   •Vientiane• ControversialTopic:          Later,venturetoancientAngkortovisitBayonand
        Unexploded bombs • Meet a monk •               the Terrace of the Elephants.                    Westrongly recommend you takeadvantageof this
                                                                                                        extra time to relax or explore more in depth before
        C.O.P.E. Center                                B,L —  Regency Angkor Hotel or similar           orafter yourtrip.Prices shown include accommoda-
        ExploreWatSisaketmonasteryandmeetalocal                                                         tions, daily breakfast, and private airport transfer.
        monk.Then,visittheC.O.P.E.Centertomeeta        DAY    • Siem Reap • Angkor Wat
        victimofunexplodedbombsburiedinLaosafter       VenturetotheancienttemplecomplexofAngkor         • Arrive early in Rangoon on your Burma pre-trip
        theVietnamWar,andheartheirexperiencewith       Wat.ReturntoseeTaProhmjustasthesunsets.            extension for $150 per person, per night
        this Controversial Topic.                      B,L —  Regency Angkor Hotel or similar           • Arrive early for your main trip or conclude your
        B,L—Sabaidee@Lao Hotelor similar                                                                  Thailandpost-tripextension with more time in
                                                       DAY   •OptionalBanteaySrei tour • Flyto            Bangkok for $100 per person, per night
        DAY   •FlytoPhnomPenh,Cambodia•                HoChiMinh City,Vietnam                           • Conclude your main trip with more time in Ho Chi
        Champey Academy of Arts                        Choosetojoinouroptionaltourtovisitthewell-         Minh City for $125 per person, per night
        FlytoPhnomPenh,Cambodiatoday.Witnessa          preservedtempleofBanteaySrei.After,gatherto
        children’sdanceperformanceattheChampey         visittheAngkorNationalMuseumbeforeflyingto       • Spend moretimein Hanoi at the end of your
        AcademyofArts.Then,rideina remork, a three-    HoChiMinhCity,Vietnam.                             Northern Vietnam post-trip extension for $125 per
        wheeledmotorrickshaw.                          B,L—MuongThanhHotelor similar                      person per night
        B,D—PhnomPenhKatari Hotelor similar
                                                       DAY    • Ho Chi Minh City • Mekong Delta
        DAY   •Phnom Penh • ControversialTopic:        DiscoverVietnam’sfamousMekongDelta.Drive       DAY    • Ho Chi Minh City • Controversial
                                                                                                      Topic: The legacy of the Vietnam War • Cu
        Khmer Rouge tribunal • Killing Fields &        toMyTho,thegatewaytotheMekongRiver,and         Chi Tunnels
        Prison Museum                                  cruiseaboardabarge,aswellasarowed sampan.      VisittheCuChiTunnels—a125-mile-long
        VisittheKillingFieldsofChoeungEkandtheTuol     B,L—MuongThanhHotelor similar                  underground maze from the Vietnam War.
        SlengPrisonMuseum—bothgrimremindersofthe       DAY    • Ho Chi Minh City • Optional tra-      After,meetaVietCongveterantodiscussa
        KhmerRouge.After,meetwithagenocidesurvivor                                                    Controversial Topic:thelegacyoftheVietnam
        todiscussa Controversial Topic:thequestfor     ditional puppet show, cyclo-rickshaw           War50yearslater.
        justiceattheKhmerRougetribunal.                ride & dinner                                  B,L,D—MuongThanhHotelor similar
        B,L—PhnomPenhKatari Hotelor similar            Discoverthecity’ssights,includingtheCatholic
                                                       Cathedral, the former Presidential Palace, and  DAY   •Return toU.S.
        DAY   • SiemReap                               aVietnamWarbunker.Later,joinouroptional        FlybacktotheU.S.Or,flytoHanoiorBangkokto
        Transfer to Siem Reap.                         tour,featuringatraditionalpuppetshow,cyclo-    beginourpost-tripextensionsto Northern Vietnam:
        B,L,D —  Regency Angkor Hotel or similar       rickshawridethroughthecity,drinksatabeer       FromHanoitotheHillTribesofSapa or Thailand:
                                                       garden,anddinneratalocalstreetkitchen.         TheRiverKwai,ChiangRai&ChiangMai.
                                                       B,L—MuongThanhHotelor similar
 104  Ancient Kingdoms: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam  Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925         105

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