Page 111 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
P. 111
Tajikistan: Khujand & Dushanbe
PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $2795 Only $559 per night
DAY •Full-daytour ofBukharawith overlandtoNukus,capitaloftheautonomous
Ark Citadel Karakalpakstan Republic. Highlights of Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan
Afull-daytourofBukharaincludesthe B,D—HotelJipekJoli or similar POST-TRIP: 7 nights from $2895 Only $414 per night
18th-centuryBoloHauzMosque,ChashmaAyub DAY • Nukus • Visit Savitsky Museum •
Mausoleum,andOldTown,aUNESCOWorld Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
HeritageSitethatfeaturesmosques,mausoleums, Dinner with a Karakalpak family visit
andblue-domedminarets.Andwe’llviewArk Thismorning,we’llvisittheSavitskyMuseum,also
Citadel, the city’s ancient fortress. knownastheStateArtMuseumoftheRepublicof We recommend that you
B,L — Amelia Boutique Hotel or similar Karakalpakstan.Themuseumrepresentsthelife
workofRussianpainterandcollectorIgorSavitsky, Arrive Early, Stay Later
DAY •Bukhara• A Day in the Life of whichhekepthiddenfromtheKGBinthisremote Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
Nayman village • Community lunch desertlocation.Later,we’llvisitaprivatehome of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
Today,we’llspend A Day in the Life of Nayman, a tosharedinnerwithaKarakalpakfamilyand depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
farmingvillageoutsideBukhara.We’lltry our hand hearaperformancebyatraditionalKarakalpak include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
at making legendary Samarkand bread, and join throat singer. private airport transfer.
local families for lunch, before returning to Bukhara. B,L,D—Hotel Jipek Joli or similar • Arrive early in Dushanbe on your Tajikistan pre-
B,L — Amelia Boutique Hotel or similar
DAY • Nukus • Flyto Ashgabat, Turkmenistan trip extension for $150 per person, per night
DAY •Bukhara•Overland to Khiva Today we cross the Uzbekistan border into • Arrive early before your main trip in Tashkent
TodayweexperiencetheSilkRoadtheway Turkmenistan anddrivetotheoasis townof Dasoguz, for $200 per person, per night
centuries of merchants did, traveling across the aprominent stopalongtheSilkRoad becauseofits • Conclude your main trip with more time
KyzylkumDesertonourwaytoKhiva.We’llstop underground spring.Afterlunchata localrestaurant in Ashgabat for $175 per person, per night
forapicnic-stylelunchatalocalteahouse. inDasoguz, we’llflytoAshgabat.Later, we’llhave
B,L,D—Erkin Palace Hotel or similar dinnerinalocalrestaurantinAshgabat. •Remain in Bishkek after your Kyrgyzstan &
B,L,D — Sport Hotel or similar Kazakhstan post-trip extension for $175 per
DAY •Walkingtour ofKhiva’s Old Town person, per night
Today,we’llsetoffonawalkingtourofKhiva’sOld DAY •ExploreAnau •Visit Akhal-Teke
Town,aUNESCOWorldHeritageSite.We’llvisit horse farm • Russian Market
TashHauliPalace,therebuilt9th-centuryDzhuma DiscoverAnau,acitythathasbeeninhabitedsince Site.Then,we’llvisitthevillageofGypjak,andan
Mosque,andtheoriginalresidenceofthekhans, Neolithictimes.Then,we’llvisitanAkhal-Teke areathatishometoCentralAsia’slargestmosque.
Kunya Ark. horsefarmtoviewoneofthebeautifulstallions We’llreturntoAshgabatforlunch,andthen
B,L—Erkin Palace Hotel or similar thatareconsideredtheprideofTurkmenistan. tourthecity.
Tonight’sFarewellDinnerfeaturesatraditional B,L — Sport Hotel or similar
DAY • Khiva • ControversialTopic:Evolving music and dance performance. DAY • Fly to U.S. or begin post-
gender roles in Uzbekistan with a local feminist B,L,D — Sport Hotel or similar trip extension
Thismorning,wewilllearnabouta Controversial
Topic whenwemeetoneofKhiva’smost DAY •Discover ancientNisa • Afterbreakfast,flytotheU.S.viaIstanbul.Or,
prominentfeministsforaconversationabouthow Explore Ashgabat beginyourpost-tripextensionto Highlights of
women’srightsinUzbekistanhaveevolvedsince This morning, we’ll visit Nisa, the ancient capital of Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan.
theendofSovietrule.Thisafternoon,we’lltravel theParthianEmpireandaUNESCOWorldHeritage B
110 The Stans of Central Asia: Turkmenistan & Uzbekistan Information & Reservations 1-800-955-1925 111
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