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Here's how 87% of travelers personalize and tailor their adventures with O.A.T.—
the only travel company to offer this level of flexibility and choice
We strongly recommend that you take advantage of this More than 5,000 travelers combined two or more adventures in
opportunityto arrive earlyand stay later. Why? By arriving early 2022.If you’realready overseas, whynotseemoreof theworld
before your main trip or pre-trip extension, you’re able to rest and and maximize your value by avoiding the expense and length of
refreshafteryourlongflight orstartexploringonyourown. And another international flight?
staying later givesyou extra timeto do last-minuteshopping, or
explore more in depth. Since you stay at the same hotels where AIR PREFERENCES
you begin orend yourtrip, yourtransitions will be seamless. 54%oftravelers are personalizingtheir air itineraries—from
choosingyourdeparture date, departure city, and airline, to
PRE-ORPOST-TRIPEXTENSIONS departingfromone city and returningto another, upgradingyour
More than60%ofO.A.T. travelers choose to take a pre- or seat to Premium Economy or Business Class, and more.
post-trip extension.Why?You’llmaximizeyourdiscoveries, take
advantage of your included airfare, and you’ll usually travel with FREEDOM OF CHOICE DURING YOUR ADVENTURE
thesamegroupand TripExperience Leaderfromyourmaintrip. Alongwithpre- and post-trip extensions that 60%ofour
travelers enjoy, yourmain trip featuresa numberof off-the-
STOPOVER IN POPULAR INTERNATIONAL CITIES beatenpathactivities that allow youto make the most of your
O.A.T. offers the opportunity to Stopover in popular cities. For $595- explorations. These recommendations are designed by our team of
$995per person, yourpriceincludes 3 nights in acentrally-located localexpertswithwomen travelersinmind.
hotel, daily breakfasts, and roundtrip private airport transfers.
Todiscoverhowyoucan personalizeyouradventure,visit
I recommend that you spend two or three extra
nights in a city before or a er your tour. That way,
you can do what you want, whenever you want."
—Linda Rutherford, 8-time traveler from Montara, CA
Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy
2023 Worldwide Adventures Information & Reservations 1-800-955-1925 7
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