Page 5 - Dispatches - June 2022
P. 5
DISPATCHES A Message from Harriet Lewis
June 2022
Dear Traveler,
Field notes from around the world,
created for O.A.T.’s Sir Edmund I’ve been to Italy more times than I can count, and I hope I never have to
Hillary Club members choose a favorite place—but the time I went skiing in the Dolomites with
Charlotte was really something special. We skied “hut-to-hut,” stopping
PUBLISHERS between runs at cozy little inns to fuel up on cheesy dumplings and
Harriet R. Lewis espresso. I remember that the sun always seemed to be shining—later I
Alan E. Lewis
learned that on average this is true 300 days of the year—and we met more
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF vacationing Italian families than the jet-setting foreigners who flock to
Laura Chavanne Switzerland just over the mountains.
CORRESPONDENTS Northern Italy: The Alps, Dolomites & Lombardy is one of our most popular
John Bregoli
Sanction Joao adventures, and I understand why our travelers are drawn to the unique
Rachel Perry blend of Italian, Austrian, and German influences in this region. You can
Lucy Sepeko Swakei learn more in this video created by Saul Tave, a 16-time traveler from
Kadir Tasdelen Dunedin, FL. He even got a glimpse of snow in the mountains, which
Sarah West brought back memories for me!
Elizabeth Whiting
We delve further into the history and culture of South Tyrol in our feature
MANAGING DESIGNERS story on page 12. The region was ruled by Austria’s Habsburg Dynasty until
Marcos Paulo Campos Italy annexed it after World War I. Mussolini did his best to eradicate all
PHOTO EDITORS evidence of the people’s German-speaking heritage, prompting thousands
Amanda Fisher to leave for Germany. Those who chose to stay remained true to their roots
Sarah Fitzpatrick with pride—as their descendants still do today.
Meredith Gausch
Madison McConkey Also this month, we visit Egypt on page 22 with writer John Bregoli, who
PRODUCTION MANAGER many of you might know from his entertaining book reviews. I share John’s
Jennifer Crowley feeling that the true scope of Egypt’s magnificent antiquities must be seen
to be believed. Like so many travelers, I had an early childhood fascination
PROJECT MANAGER with pyramids and mummies that carried through until my first visit in
Sarah Amer
the 70s. The fact that I’ve returned several times speaks volumes.
Story ideas, manuscripts, photos, artwork, and There’s plenty more to inspire you within these pages—and with travel
other contributions are welcomed and should
be mailed to coming back stronger with each passing week, I hope adventure is on the
Editor, c/o Dispatches horizon for you. We have more than 93,000 travelers reserved across 69
Overseas Adventure Travel itineraries, including more than 44,000 solo travelers. Are you among
347 Congress Street them? I hope you’ll share your stories with me in an email to harriet@gct.
Boston, MA 02210 com.
or emailed to
So that we may properly credit you, please Warm regards,
include your name, address, phone number,
and number of times you have traveled with
O.A.T. The magazine regrets that we cannot
acknowledge receipt of or assume responsibility Harriet R. Lewis
for the return of manuscripts, photos, artwork,
or other material. Vice Chairman
Dispatches is a publication of Overseas Adventure Travel
Overseas Adventure Travel,
347 Congress Street
Boston, MA 02210
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