Page 139 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
P. 139
Ljubljana &Trieste: World WarII to
the Present
PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $1695 Only $339 per night
DAY • Tremiti Islands DAY • Siracusa, Sicily • Sicilian folk music
BeginafulldayofexplorationinSanDomino. performance
BoardaferryboundfortheTremitiIslands.You’ll ArriveintheSiciliancityofSiracusaandembark Rome: Ancient Sites & Hidden
firstvisitSanNicolaforawalkingtour,then, onawalkingtourofOldTown,wheremodernlife City Gems
continueontoaboattourforviewsofcliffs,coves, blendswiththetimelessnessofsouthernItaly.This POST-TRIP: 4 nights from $1095 Only $274 per night
andwoodssurroundingtheislands. eveningaboardtheship,enjoydinnerfollowedby
B,L,D — M/V Artemis or M/V Athena Sicilian folk music. Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
DAY • Explore Alberobello • Home- B,L,D — M/V Artemis or M/V Athena
Hosted Lunch DAY •Siracusa,Sicily • Visita Sicilian farm We recommend that you
AfterdockinginMonopoli,departforAlberobello, • Sicilian folk music performance Arrive Early, Stay Later
andmarvelatthe trulli homes that line the AfteranonboarddiscussionontheAlliedlandings Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
streets.Next,enjoya Home-Hosted Lunch with a inSicilyduringWorldWarII,arriveintheSicilian
local family. cityofSiracusaandvisitalocalfarmintheSicilian of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
B,L,D — M/V Artemis or M/V Athena countrysideforlunch.Thiseveningaboardthe include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
DAY •Monopoli•Optional Matera B,L,D — M/V Artemis or M/V Athena private airport transfer.
Troglodyte City tour • Arrive early in Ljubljana before your Ljubljana &
EnjoyadayofleisureinMonopoli.Or,perhaps DAY • Valletta, Malta • Controversial Topic: Trieste pre-trip extension for $175 per person,
you’dliketoexploreMateraTroglodyteCityonan Anti-corruption activism in Malta • Captain’s per night
optionaltour.DiscoverthecavedwellingsofSassi Farewell Dinner • Arrive early in Venice before your main trip
di Matera. Cruise into Valletta, Malta’s capital city. Explore for $325 per person, per night
B,L,D — M/V Artemis or M/V Athena thesereneBarraccaGardens,andlearnabout •Stay later in Sliema after your main trip
DAY • Otranto • Afternoon at sea themysteriousSovereignMilitaryOrderofMalta. for $225 per person, per night
After,engageinthe Controversial Topic of anti-
• Immigration in the Mediterranean corruptionactivism.Returntotheshipthisevening •Stay later in Rome after your Rome post-trip
conversation fortheCaptain’sFarewellDinner. extension for $250 per person, per night
VisittheportcityofOtranto,andtakea B,L,D — M/V Artemis or M/V Athena
sandbeaches,famedAragoneseCastle,and DAY • Disembark ship • Mdina datingbacktothetimeofthePhoenicians.After,
Romanesquecathedral.Setsaillaterforyour DisembarkyourshipandjourneytoMdina—the joinyourfellowtravelersforaFarewellDrinkand
southernmostItaliandestination.Later,take “SilentCity.”Strollalongthepeacefulwinding dinner at your hotel.
partinaconversationaboutimmigrationinthe streets,linedwithBaroquebuildingsmadeof B,D — The Victoria Hotel or similar
Mediterranean. Malta’s characteristic yellow limestone. DAY •Return toU.S.
B,L,D — M/V Artemis or M/V Athena B — The Victoria Hotel or similar
DAY • Hagar Qim • The Three Cities tripextensionto Rome:AncientSites&Hidden
ExplorethemegalithictemplecomplexofHagar City Gems.
Qim.Then,embarkonawalkingtourofVittoriosa, B
138 Undiscovered Adriatic: Eastern Italy, Venice, Puglia & Malta Information & Reservations 1-800-955-1925 139
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