Page 135 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        Athens & the Peloponnese: From
                                                                                                        Homer to the First Olympics
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $1495 Only $299 per night

        DAY    •  Paros                                DAY    • Kusadasi • Ephesus
        YourdiscoveriesonParosincludethehistoric       WalkamongtheruinsofancientEphesus—
        capitalofLefkes,thefishingvillageofNaousa,and  consideredtobeoneoftheworld’sbest-preserved
        theartistichubofParikia.                       andmostextensiveclassicalGreco-Roman
        B,D —  M/V Arethusa or M/V Athena              cities. You’ll also visit the site of the Temple of
        DAY     •  Santorini                           Ancient World.
        ArriveintheGreekislandofSantoriniatitsport     B,L,D —  M/V Arethusa or M/V Athena
        andcapital,Fira.We’lltakeafunicular(cablecar)                                                   Cappadocia’s Unique Landscapes &
        toascendtoFiraTown,totakeinthegleaming         DAY    • Kusadasi • Disembark ship • Fly         Vibrant Ankara
        whitehousesthatlookdowntothebay.Then,visit     to Istanbul                                      POST-TRIP: 5 nights from $1195 Only $239 per night
        thecliffsidevillageofOiaforviewsofalabaster    We’lldisembarkourshipearlythismorningto
        seasidehousesandtheSantorinicaldera.           catchourflighttoIstanbul.Afterwearriveand        Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        B,D —  M/V Arethusa or M/V Athena              checkintoourhotel,ourTripExperienceLeader        visit
        DAY   •Kalymnos•Spongefishing                  citypopularwithlocalsforshoppingandspending      Arrive Early, Stay Later
        discussion                                     timeatoneofthemanycafés.
        Meetaspongeworkshopownerandamarine             B,L—The Galata Istanbul Hotel - MGallery or similar  Prices below include accommodations, daily
        biologisttohearbothsidesoftheissueof                                                            breakfast and private airport transfer.
        Kalymnos’spongefishingindustryandwhether       DAY    • Istanbul                                • Arrive early in Athens before your Greece
        ornotitiscausingirreparableharmtothearea’s     EnjoyafullmorningofdiscoveriesinIstanbul,          pre-trip extension or your main adven-
        delicateecosystem.Then,setoffonatourof         beginningatthecity’slivelycentralsquare—the        ture for $175 per person, per night
        the island of Kalymnos, known for its majestic  HippodromeofConstantinople.Fromthere,           • Conclude your main trip with more time in
        mountains, including a visit to the Traditional  we’llcontinueontoHagiaSophia,a6thcentury         Istanbul for $200 per person, per night
        Housemuseum,foraglimpseintohowpeople           Byzantine church famous for its mosaics, before
        livedonthisislandinagespast.                   makingourwaytotheSpiceBazaar—oneofthe            •Stay later in Ankara after your Cappadocia
        B,D —  M/V Arethusa or M/V Athena              largestbazaarsinthecity.Afteranincludedlunch,      post-trip extension for $175 per person, per
                                                       theremainderofthedayisyours.                       night
        DAY    • Patmos • Kusadasi, Turkey             B,L—The Galata Istanbul Hotel - MGallery or similar
        theEvangelistissaidtohavedictatedthe Book of   DAY   •Istanbul•TopkapiPalace•                 DAY   • Returnto U.S.
        Revelation.VisittheMonasteryofSt.Johnandthe    Bosphorus cruise
        HolyCaveoftheApocalypsetoseewheretheholy       This morning we’ll visit the sprawling palatial  Transfertotheairportforyourflighthomeor begin
        manlivedandworked,followedbyawalkthrough       complexofTopkapiPalacebeforeembarkingon        your Cappadocia’sUniqueLandscapes&Vibrant
        Patmos Town.                                   asceniccruiseontheBosporusStrait.Following     Ankara post-trip extension.
        B,L,D —  M/V Arethusa or M/V Athena            lunchonyourown,enjoyafreeafternoonpriorto      B
                                                       B,D—The Galata Istanbul Hotel - MGallery or similar

 134  The Aegean Islands, Athens & Istanbul  Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925                        135

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