Page 88 - 101+ Tips for Solo Women Travelers
P. 88

Grand Circle Foundation

      Changing people’s lives, one village, one school, one person at a time

      In 1992 we established Grand Circle     EXPERIENCE A DAY IN THE LIFE
      Foundation, an entity of the Lewis Family   Featured on most O.A.T. adventures, the
      Foundation, to give back to the world   Foundation’s A Day in the Life program
      that has given us so much. We’ve pledged   brings you into the heart of a community
      or donated $225 million worldwide to    where you might enjoy a village walking
      support the education of young people,   tour, meet with a community leader, visit
      the preservation of international treasures
      and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and    a school, shop in the market, and share a
      the conservation of natural resources for   Home-Hosted meal. The visits also support
      future generations.                     entrepreneurial activities that provide the
                                              village with a source of income.
      None of this would be possible without your
      help. A portion of the proceeds of every   JOIN OUR GENEROUS TRAVELERS
      adventure is donated to GCF—so just as your   Our travelers donated $924,000 in 2021—
      life will be enriched by the discoveries you’ll   and because we charge no administration
      make, you’ll also help to enrich the lives of   fee, 100% of your donation will be used to
      the people you’ll meet along the way.
                                              help change people’s lives.
      Thank you for traveling with us, and for
      helping to change people’s lives.       BETTER OUR OWN COMMUNITIES—
                                              ALL AROUND THE WORLD
      Love and peace,
                                              In Boston, more than 99% of our associates
                                              participate in community service each year,
      Harriet R. Lewis                        and nearly all of our 36 worldwide o ices

      Chair, Grand Circle Foundation          also organize community service events.


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