Page 16 - 101+ Tips for Solo Women Travelers
P. 16
Packing Essentials
DOCUMENTS o Earplugs and eye mask (for flight
(originals for your purse, and at destination)
and a copy for your suitcase) o Electrical adapter
o Passport, valid for at least o Fabric softener sheets
6 months after departure
o Face masks
o Credit card
o First aid kit, including medications
o Picture ID for colds, digestive problems, and
seasickness; bandaids, antibiotic
o Travel insurance information
cream, anti-itch cream (including
o Emergency contact information MONISTAT®), sleep aids, pain
reliever, Orajel®, hot and cold
o Prescriptions (medications, patches, an ace bandage
o Hand sanitizer
SUPPLIES o Insect repellent
o Journal
o Addresses and phone numbers
(embassies, neighbors, etc.) o Lip balm
o Batteries for cameras, hearing o Manicure set with scissors,
aids, alarm clock, etc. tweezers, and nail clipper
o Camera, memory cards, and o Mending kit (small), including
camera case safety pins and iron-on
hemming tape for emergencies
o Cell phone (check carrier in
advance) o Pen/pencil
o Chargers and USB cords for o Pocket-sized notebook
electronic devices
o Powdered beverages
o Cleansing wipes (coffee, Gatorade)
o Corkscrew o Reading light (small)
o Duct tape (wrapped on o Sunscreen
a pencil)
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