Page 87 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        South Africa’s Entabeni Private
                                                                                                        Game Reserve
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 4 nights from $1295 Only $323 per night

                                                                                                        Victoria Falls: Zimbabwe’s Natural Wonder
        DAY   • A Day in the Life of a Swazi village   NatureReserve.Thisafternoon,learnabout           POST-TRIP: 3 nights from $1595 Only $532 per night
        Experience ADayintheLife ofaruralSwazi         the Controversial Topic of tertiary education
        villagewherewe’llmeetourhostonthe              opportunities and the #FeesMustFall movement.    Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        homesteadheshareswithhisthreewivesand          B,L,D—Boardwalk Hotel or similar                 visit
        asprepareatraditionallunchwiththefamily.       DAY    • Overland to Knysna                      We recommend that you
        Afterwards,spendtimeatalocalSwazimarket.       TraveltoKnysna,atownlocatedalongSouth            Arrive Early, Stay Later
        B,L,D —  Mountain Inn or similar               Africa’sGardenRoutesurroundedbyforest,rivers,
                                                       andscenichikingtrails. Onthe way,stop toexplore  Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
        DAY   •Overland toHluhluwe,South Africa        Jeffrey’sBay.Later,enjoyahikethroughournew       of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
        We’llcrosstheborderbackintoSouthAfricatoday,   surroundings.                                    depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
        enteringinHluhluwe,asmalltownwithinthe         B,L—KnysnaQuaysHotelor similar                   include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
        Kwazulu-Natal province.                                                                         private airport transfer.
        B,L,D —  Emdoneni Lodge or similar             DAY    • Knysna • Featherbed
                                                       Nature Reserve                                   • Arrive early in Johannesburg before your
        DAY    • Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve •      We’llexperiencethelushforestsandtrickling          Entabeni pre-trip extension, before your
        Controversial Topic: Traditional versus mod-   riversofKnysnatoday,asweexplorethehiking           main trip, or after your Victoria Falls post-
                                                                                                          trip for $125 per person, per night
        ern medicine in South Africa                   trailsofFeatherbedNatureReserve.
        Enjoyagame-viewingdrivethroughthe              B,L—KnysnaQuaysHotelor similar                   • Conclude your main trip with more time in
        Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve. Learn about                                                       Cape Town for $150 per person, per night
        the Controversial Topic oftraditionalhealingand  DAY   •Knysna •FlytoCape Town
        medicinein SouthAfrica.Later,you canjoinan     TodayweflytoCapeTownandenjoysome
        elective second game-viewing drive in the afternoon.  free time.
        B,L,D —  Emdoneni Lodge or similar              B —  President Hotel or similar               DAY    • CapeTown • OptionalStellenbosch
                                                                                                      Winelands Tour
        DAY   •Hluhluwe•FlytoPortElizabeth             DAY    • Cape Town • Table Mountain cable-     TodayisfreetoexploreCapeTownonyourown,
        FlytoPortElizabeth,thelargesttownonSouth       car ride • Home-Hosted Dinner                  oryoumayjoinafull-dayoptionalexcursionto
        Africa’sfamedGardenRoute.Later,alocal          ExplorescenicCapeTownbybusandonfoot,           Stellenbosch and the surrounding Cape Winelands
        universityprofessorwillbehostingaconversation  followedbyacablecarridetothetopofTable         region.EnjoyaFarewellDinneratalocal
        aboutlocaleducation.                           Mountain.Thisevening,enjoya Home-Hosted        restaurant this evening.
        B—Boardwalk Hotel or similar                   Dinner withalocalCapeTownfamily.                B,D —  President Hotel or similar
                                                        B,L,D —  President Hotel or similar
        DAY    • Port Elizabeth • Penguin Rehabilitation                                              DAY   •Return toU.S.
        Center • Controversial Topic: The #FeesMustFall  DAY    •Cape Town&theCape Peninsula          You’llhavethemorningfreebeforeyourflight
        movement and access to education               VisittheCapePointNatureReserve,withitswild     home.Orbeginyouroptionalextensionin Victoria
        ExplorePortElizabeth,startingwithDonkin        fynboslandscapes,beautifulflowers,elusive      Falls:Zimbabwe’sNaturalWonder.
        Reserve,wherewe’llenjoyascenictour             bontebok,baboons,andoceanviews.Later,visit     B
        penguinrehabilitationcenteratCapeRecife        avarietyofCapeFlora.
                                                        B,L —  President Hotel or similar

 86  South Africa & Eswatini: Kruger National Park, the Garden Route & Cape Town  Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925  87

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