Page 79 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        Botswana: Okavango Delta Safari
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $2995 Only $599 per night

                                                                                                        Cape Town & the Cape of Good Hope
                                                                                                        POST-TRIP: 4 nights from $1595 Only $399 per night
        Then,visitLesediPrimarySchool(wheninsession),  forawildlife-viewingcruisethroughtheSengwe
        forachancetointeract withstudentsandstaff.     river system.                                    Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        B,L,D—Shearwater’sExplorersVillageor similar   B,L,D—Shikra Safari Cruise Boat                  visit

        DAY  •ControversialTopic: TheZimbabwe          DAY   • LakeKariba Cruise                        We recommend that you
        genocide•Fly toHwangeNational Park,            Boardourtenderboatsandexploremoredistant
        Zimbabwe • Game-viewing drive                  stretchesoftheSengweRiverBasin.Upon              Arrive Early, Stay Later
        Todaybeginswiththe Controversial Topic of the  returningtoourboat,enjoyabrunchcruise            Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
        Zimbabwe genocide and its lasting effects on the  throughtheCheteGorgeandintotheHondwe          of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
        Ndebelecommunity.Then,transferoverlandto       River system, where we’ll embark on another      depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
        ourlodgenearHwangeNationalPark,Zimbabwe’s      wildlife-viewing cruise, birding adventure, or   include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
        largestpark.Thisafternoon,setoffonagame-       fishingtripviatenderboat.                        private airport transfer.
        viewingdriveinHwange,searchingforelephants,    B,L,D—Shikra Safari Cruise Boat                  • Arrive early before your main trip, before your
        buffalo, sable, giraffes, wildebeest, impala, and                                                 Okavango Delta pre-trip extension, or after your
        even gemsbok.                                  DAY   •Lake KaribaCruise •Conversation             main trip in Johannesburg for $125 per person,
        B,L,D—Elephant’s Eye Hwange or similar         about kapenta fishing industry
                                                       SetoffbytenderboatstoexploretheHondwe              per night
        DAY    • Hwange National Park • Game-          River system, then disembark and explore         •Remain in Cape Town after your Cape Town
        viewing walk & drive                           thefloodplainsbyfoot.Thisafternoon,enjoy           & theCapeof Good Hopepost-trip extension
        Enjoyamorninggame-viewingwalk.Then,return      aconversationaboutkapentafishinginZimbabwe,        for $150 per person, per night
        tothelodgeforbrunchandfreetime,before          andlearnwhythistinyfishissocontroversial on
        headingintothebushagainforanafternoon          LakeKariba.Tonight,enjoyabarbecuedinneron
        game-viewing drive.                            the beach.                                     DAY    •Chobe NationalPark • Game-
        B,L,D—Elephant’s Eye Hwange or similar         B,L,D—Shikra Safari Cruise Boat                viewing drive • Conversation about
                                                                                                      Zimbabwean land reform • Chobe River
        DAY    • Hwange National Park • Game-          DAY    •FlytoChobeNational Park,               Wildlife Cruise
        viewing drives                                 Botswana • Game-viewing drive                  Enjoywildlifeviewinginsafarivehiclesthis
        Enjoyafulldayofgameviewingtolearnabout         DisembarkinBinga,thenflytoVictoriaFallsand     morning.Then,engageinaconversationabout
        theregion’sfloraandtheintricatecycleoflife in  transferoverlandtoChobe,Botswana.Then,         Zimbabwe’s land reform program (sometimes
        thebush.Wilddogs,zebras,sableantelopes,and     enjoyourfirstgame-viewingdriveinChobe          referredtoaslandgrabbing)oftheearly2000.This
        warthogsarejustafewofthespecieswemight         National Park.                                 afternoon,setoffonagame-viewingcruiseonthe
        witness today.                                 B,L,D —  Elephant Valley Lodge or similar      Chobe River.
        B,L,D—Elephant’s Eye Hwange or similar                                                        B,L,D —  Elephant Valley Lodge or similar
                                                       DAY   •Chobe NationalPark • Game-
        DAY    • Fly to to Binga • Begin Lake          viewing drives                                 DAY    • Return to U.S. or begin post-
        Kariba cruise                                  Enjoymorningandafternoongame-viewingdrives     trip extension
        Afteranearlymorninggame-viewingdrive,flyto     inChobeNationalPark—thefirstnationalpark       TraveloverlandtoKasaneforourreturnflightsto
        Binga,onthesoutheasternshoresofLakeKariba.     establishedinBotswanaandoneofitslargest,       theU.S.ortocontinueonthepost-tripextension
        Afterweembarkandenjoylunchaboardoursafari      with4,500squaremilesofarea.                    to CapeTown&theCapeofGoodHope.
        cruiseboat,we’lltakeoursmallertenderboats out  B,L,D —  Elephant Valley Lodge or similar      B

 78  Southern Africa Safari & Lake Kariba Cruise: South Africa, Zimbabwe & Botswana  Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925  79

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