Page 71 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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Serbia Revealed: Along the Banks of
the Danube
PRE-TRIP: 6 nights from $1495 Only $250 per night
Brasov’sBethIsraelSynagogue.Later,we’llvisit pursuits—woodcarving and beekeeping. The Rural Delights of Northern
BranCastle,oftenreferredtoasDracula’sCastle. Afterwards,we’llreturntoSighisoaraforan Romania
B,D — Hotel in Brasov afternoon of independent exploration. POST-TRIP: 6 nights from $1795 Only $300 per night
B,L — Hotel in Sighisoara
DAY • A Day in the Life of a Romanian Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
dairy farm DAY • VisittheSalina Turda• visit
Today, experience ADayintheLife ofaRomanian Overland to Sibiu
dairyfarm.We’lldriveouttothesmallvillageof VisittheSalinaTurdatoday—asaltminewith We recommend that you
Bodandconnectwithfarmownerandcommunity over2,000yearsofhistorythattodayboastsan Arrive Early, Stay Later
leaderStefan,whowillwalkusthrougharegular expansivemuseumanduniqueunderground Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage of this
dayonhisfarm,includingachancetomilksomeof amusement park. Afterwards, we’ll drive extra time to relax or explore more in depth before
thecows.We’llthenshareamealwithStefanand ontoSibiu. or after your trip. Prices shown include accommoda-
other members of the community. B,L — Hotel in Sibiu tions, daily breakfast, and private airport transfer.
B,L — Hotel in Brasov
DAY •ExploreSibiu • Arrive early in Novi Sad on your Serbia pre-trip
DAY • Hike Racos Volcano • Home-Hosted EnjoyawalkingtourofSibiu’sOldTownandsee extension for $140 per person, per night
Lunch in Viscri • Overland to Sighisoara howthered-tiledroofsofthetown’soldbuildings • Arrive early in Sofia onyour maintrip
OnourwaytoSighisoara,we’llstoptohikethe withuniquelyshapedatticwindowsgaveSibiu for $140 per person, per night
areaaroundRacosVolcano.Thenwe’llvisitthe thename“thecitywitheyes.”Then,visitalocal • Conclude your main trip with more time
SaxonvillageofViscritoenjoyadayofsmall-town farmers’ market. in Bucharest for $135 per person, per night
discoveries—from meeting a local blacksmith to B,L — Hotel in Sibiu
enjoyingatasteofhomemadejam.We’llalsojoina •Spend more time in Cluj-Napoca after
localRomanianfamilyfora Home-Hosted Lunch. DAY • Sibiu • Optional Corvin Castle & Alba your Northern Romania post-trip extension
B,L — Hotel in Sighisoara Iulia tour for $140 per person, per night
DAY •Sighisoara•ControversialTopic: toCorvinCastleandthenearbycityofAlbaIulia, guidedtourofBucharest,alocalwillgiveushis
The struggle of gypsy women • Dinner with including lunch. personalaccountofthe1989revolution.
Romanian family B,D — Hotel in Sibiu B,L — Hotel in Bucharest
tour.Thenwe’lldrivetothetownofValenijto DAY • Overland to Bucharest DAY • Bucharest • Optional Communist
meetamemberofthelocalgypsycommunityand EmbarkonascenicdrivetoBucharestthis Bucharest tour
discuss the Controversial Topic of being a woman morning,withastopforlunchonyourown ExploreBucharestatyourownpace.Or,joinour
intheoftentimespatriarchalgypsycommunity. alongtheway. optional Communist Bucharest tour. Tonight, we’ll
Afterwards,she’llinviteustoherhometosharea B,D — Hotel in Bucharest gatherforaFarewellDinner.
mealwithherfamily. DAY •ControversialTopic: The“lostchil- B,D — Hotel in Bucharest
B,D — Hotel in Sighisoara
dren” of Romania • Bucharest • Conversation DAY •Return toU.S.
DAY • Explore Biertan about the 1989 revolution Transfertotheairportforyourflighthome,orto
DiscoverthemedievalvillageofBiertan, Learn about the Controversial Topic of Romania’s beginyourpost-tripextensionto TheRuralDelights
includingitsfortifiedchurch.Then,meetlocal “lost children”—a generation of abandoned babies of Northern Romania.
artisanswhowilltalkabouttheirrespective giventothegovernmentforcare.Then,duringa B
70 Eastern Balkan Discovery: Bulgaria & Romania Information & Reservations 1-800-955-1925 71
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