Page 145 - 2023 Worldwide Adventures
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                                                                                                        Southwest France: Toulouse &
                                                                                                        Carcassonne’s Medieval Marvels
                                                                                                        PRE-TRIP: 5 nights from $1695 Only $339 per night

        DAY   • A Day in the Life of the coastal village  DAY    • Elba • Capoliveri mines guided
        of Imperia                                     tour & museum                                    Central Italy: Hilltop Villages of the
        Spend ADayintheLife withalocalfamilyon         VisittheCapiloverimines,partoftheTuscan          Apennine Mountains
        theirfarm.Rollupyoursleevesandhelpwithdaily    ArchipelagoNationalPark.Here,you’llexplore a     POST-TRIP: 6 nights from $1595 Only $266 per night
        chores,asyouexperiencerurallifefirsthand. Then,  museum and venture underground to understand
        sitdownforlunchalltogetherbeforeheadingback    thesignificanceofthishistoricsite.               Toviewyouroptionalextensionsindetail,
        totheship.                                     B,L,D —  M/V Athena                              visit
        B,L,D —  M/V Athena
                                                       DAY    • Giglio Island                           We recommend that you
        DAY   • Explore Cinque Terre                   DockinPortoSantoStefanoandcatchabriefferry       Arrive Early, Stay Later
        VisittwoCinqueTerrevillages.Setoutbyboatto     toGiglioIsland,oneofthesevenislandsthatmake
        Vernazzaforawalkingtour.After,visitMonterosso  uptheTuscanArchipelagoNationalPark.After a       Westrongly recommend you takeadvantage
        for lunch.                                     discoverywalk,departforthevillageofCastello,     of this extra timeto relax or exploremorein
        B,L,D —  M/V Athena                            perchedonahilloverlookingthearchipelago.         depth before or after your trip. Prices shown
                                                       B,L,D —  M/V Athena                              include accommodations,dailybreakfast,and
        DAY   • Marina di Carrara • Conversation                                                        private airport transfer.
        about marble quarrying                         DAY    • Disembark ship • Rome • Anzio’s         • Arrive early in Marseille before your main trip
        DockinMarinadiCarraratovisittheCarrara         American Cemetery                                  for $200 per person, per night
        marblequarries.Board4-wheel-drivevehiclesand   DisembarkourshipandtransfertoRome,making
        tourthequarries.There,meetaformerquarry        astopinAnzio,animportantWorldWarIIbattle         • Arrive early in Toulouse before your Northwest
        workertodiscussthenegativeimpactsofmarble      site. Here, visit the American Cemetery.           Francepre-tripextensionfor$225perperson,per
        quarrying.                                     B,L,D —  M/V Athena                                night
        B,L,D —  M/V Athena                                                                             •Stay later in Rome after yourmaintrip for
                                                       DAY    • Explore Rome                              $250 per person, per night
        DAY    • Bastia, Corsica • Hike in             Discoverthe“EternalCity”onawalkingtour           •Stay later in Tivoli after your Central Italy post-
        Piana Sottana                                  featuringmanyofthecity’shighlights,fromthe         trip extension for $175 per person, per night
        DockinBastia,Corsica,andtransfertoPiana        PantheontotheSpanishSteps.
        Sottanaforaguidedhikealongthecoast.            B,L —  Hotel Savoy or similar
        B,L,D —  M/V Athena                                                                           DAY    • Return to U.S.
                                                       DAY   •Rome •Optionaltour totheVatican
        DAY   •Portoferraio,Elba • Home-               & Sistine Chapel                               FlytotheU.S.,orbeginyourpost-tripextension
                                                                                                      to CentralItaly:HilltopVillagesoftheApennine
        Hosted Lunch                                   ExploreRomeonyourown,orjoinouroptional         Mountains.
        DisembarkonElbaandtakeadiscoverywalk           tourtodiscoverthecity’smosticonic,religious    B
        ofPortoferraio,theisland’smainport.Then,       sites:theVaticanandSistineChapel.
        experience a Home-Hosted Lunch with a local    B,D —  Hotel Savoy or similar
        island family.
        B,L,D —  M/V Athena

        Information & Reservations  1-800-955-1925                                                             145

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