Page 43 - 101+ Tips for Solo Women Travelers
P. 43

Morocco: If you’ve ever traveled in Morocco,   is rounding up the bill in bars. But even if
        you know that the practice of giving   your server was a little slow, consider being
        baksheesh is widespread (not just here, but   generous … Most waitsta  earn a very basic

        throughout North Africa and the Middle   daily wage, and tips can mean a great deal.
        East). Tips are expected by servers, porters,   Thailand: It is always considered polite to
        bathroom attendants and even people in   leave a few baht on the table, and a bit less
        the street who may help you. In some cases   than 10% of your bill is fine.
        you may think of it as outright bribery, but
        bear in mind that the practice is rooted in   Turkey: In small, on-the-go eateries, a tip
        the value that Muslim cultures place on   is not expected. But in most major cities,
        charity. In a restaurant add on 5–10%.  a restaurant tip will run about 10-15%.

        Mexico: Waitsta , food stand servers, and   United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan
        even the guy who sells you ice cream on the   and Saudi Arabia: A tip of 10–15% will be
        beach are barely getting by here on their   expected in most restaurants. In Dubai (in
        salaries. So be generous and leave a 15% tip.  the UAE), the government mandates that a
                                              10% service fee be added to your bill. But
        Nepal: Your bill may already include a 10%   waitsta  will still expect a little extra so

        service fee. If not, leave 5–10%.     round the tip to 15% or 20%.
        Poland: A tip is not required, but    United Kingdom: Service may or may not
        appreciated. In cafes, round up to the   have been added to your bill. If it hasn’t,
        nearest PLN; in restaurants, leave 10-15%.  leave 10–15%. You can also deduct the tip
        Portugal: The tip may have been added   from the bill (if it has been included) and
        if you are in a tourist area. Otherwise,   pay the server directly in cash. Tipping in
        a 5% tip in snack bars and a 10% tip in   pubs is not customary. But your barkeep
        restaurants will be appreciated.      won’t mind if you leave some extra change,
        Peru: A tip of 10–15% is customary, and it   perhaps 1-2 euros per drink.
        will go a long way for your server, especially   Vietnam: A tip of at least 5% (and more
        in small establishments.              o en 10%) is customary.

        Russia: Tipping is optional
        in out-of-the-way places, but
        in most cities, the norm is
        10–15%. If you grab a bite at
        a snack bar or co ee shop,

        round up the bill.
        Spain: The check usually
        includes service so a tip is not
        necessary. But if you want,
        round up the bill or add an
        additional 10%.
        South Africa, Kenya, and
        Tanzania: In most of sub-
        Saharan Africa, leaving 10–15%
        is normal for good service, as


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